Spoke with IIO-Need comments


Registered Users (C)
Spoke with IIO by 9.25 a.m. Gave my WAC no.
She said that my case is pending.
I asked about my Finger Prints.
She asked for my A# and said that they were fine.
Does it mean that they are in local system?

ND 4/23 FP 10/20 (originally scheduled for 11/8).
Thanks in advance
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Might be in main system. If IIO can get FP info with your WAC then it is in the main system.

In your case IIO got FP info with your A#. So it is 50/50
What does in mean?

What does it mean if the FP are in the main system?
How close to the final stage is that usually? A month?
If she asked for your A#.....

because she could not find your prints with WAC# it seems that it is still in the Nationwide system. Did she not find your prints via WAC#?
I think our understaing about finding FP using A# & WAC# is wrong.

I spoke with IIO first time and she could see the FP result using WAC# and second time called IIO I told my WAC# before she asked. But she said A# will be better. Then I asked her can\'t she see using WAC# then she said even if you give WAC#, they will access the FP using A#.
So some IIO will find the A# using WAC# and some IIO prefer to get A# from us (may be lazy IIO or don\'t know how to find A# in the system).
That is why some people in the board say, first time IIO could see FP using WAC# but second time they could\'t and asking for A#.
Hope guys understand what I meant to say.
Still if you believe in System 1 and System 2 concept go ahead no problem.