spoke to IIO


Registered Users (C)
Spoke to a really nice IIO this morning . I told her that i have been waiting for the fingerprint notice for the last one and half years. she took my src numbers and put me on hold for about 10 minutes came backand said she have sceduled it, and i will be getting it in next 3 weeks or may be sooner. Does anyone have had similar experiences? how long will it take for me to get it?
similar experience

If IIO meant what she told you. You should get it with in one week to 10 days.
If you do not get it by this time, call them back.
good luck
What is your RD for the 485.

Hi. I called on Jan 10 this year with a RD of 11/19,2001 and had a lady say the same thing to me. After waiting till feb 12 I called back and had a rude lady say they could not do anything about FP scheduling. WE JUST HAVE TO BUCK UP AND WAIT.