Spoke to an IIO, ND Aug 99


Registered Users (C)
ND Aug 99, No RFE , NO approval.
IIO basically said that she can\'t do any thing except write a note to the Adjucating Officer reminding him that the case is still pending.
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At this point you might want ask your senator for help. It is over 540 day limit now and you should have the right to know the reason of the delay. Good luck.
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Same situation here, ND/RD Aug/99, FP 7/00, Nothing from VSC, No RFE, No approval. Called IIO a couple of times and no any valuable info. Sometimes they said they are retriving my file, sometimes they told me they are processing my case. I really don\'t believe what they said. Very frustrating.
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I did ask my senator\'s office and they told me to wait for another 60 days. Not much help there.