Speeding ticket, currently unpaid (months overdue), will I be able to re-enter US?


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I have a speeding ticket that is currently unpaid ... I'll be honest I was lazy. Anyway, they sent me a notice saying my driving priveleges would end something in novemeber, I still didn't pay heed since it was out-of-state (montana).

Now I['m going to call them up early morning tomorrow and send a payment. I was wondering however, will I be given any trouble re-entering US (I'm going to India in a few weeks)?

I'm not in the process of filing for citizenship, but I will be in the next month or so. Does that need to be mentioned there?
I would recommend just pay up the fine already. If you don't, then eventually the traffic court will issue an arrest warrant against you and that would most likely show up during immigration check. Though this may not stop you from entering the US, it might lead you to be taken to the local precint, get fingerprinted and probably even a criminal record.

Just my take on it.

Well I spoke to the court, paid the fine. But there was a "bench warrant" out for me in the state of Montana, or the district in there.

So now, should I travel to India or not? The clerk of the court told me she'll take the bench off or something. I wonder if it'll still be there in the immigration check....
I really don't the "bench warrant" would show up in the immigration system at the airport. It is not quite the same thing as a regular arrest warrant for a crime. But carry the proof of payment with you so you can show it in the unlikely event that they try to enforce the warrant at the airport.