Special Registration It's about time


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I for one am extremely glad about the new INS procedures for special registration. This is way overdue and should have been done a long time ago.
I have been in this country for about 11 years now. I came here on a student visa, have been in status in status all my life. I know many people who came hear about the same time as me on student visas but have not attend one day of school in their life and are now fretting the special registration. Besides, all of them have paid not one cent in taxes to the US government or to Social security.
Well guess what its time to face the music.

Good luck

Yea, this is great if they play it fair. If they convict people even though you have everything fine. then it is bad. Thats what it happened in CA
I dont see a really big issue with registration itself. However, it is the way it is being implemented that is troubling. They have taken people into custody who are legal here and have GC applications pending, work permits etc... The pretext they are using are things like, you should have filed that application back home, you were out of status for a brief period, you did not renew your visa while your GC application is being adjucated etc..
But the fact of the matter is that these people have corrected those issues, and INS regulations allow them to be here in legal status while their applications are being adjucated. The INS officials are changing the rules of the game as they wish and please. These regulations were set by congress to begin with.
And the biggest problem is- what about the millions of people who entered illegally. Why would any of them ever go and register at all????
My 2 cents

The pros and cons of implementing and enforcing these kind of strict regulations. One thing for sure after all the class action law-suits and complains if government gets its way in enforcing this new law, this would mean sudden death for people who did not show up for special registration. They will be automatically considered illegal and will be subjected to deportations proceedings no matter what their status is: Married to U.S. citizen or asylum application pending etc. FAIR or not FAIR we can debate, but looks like that is the law of the land for right now.


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Well the INS is under a lot of pressure after September 11. They infact have been blamed for the attacks. Although the INS has come down hard on Muslims countries can you blame them?

For a bad few everyone has to suffer.

I know not all the people are feeling as the same way as Muslims and Arabs are feelings. They only know what they have been going thru even though they have nothig to do with all this....
I know one thing when Oklahoma Bombing happened and they arrested Timothy McVeigh, nobody came out and said that all christians are terrorists. Every race, religion, and country has people who do bad things but it doesn't mean every one who believes in that race, religion, and country is bad person.

They say history repeats itself so we are living in new version of 1940's this time its not japanese.
You're right and you are wrong.

You are correct that when Timothy McVeigh blew up the Federal Building in Oklahoma, we did not run around registering every skinny white guy with a bad haircut. However, McVeigh is a US Citizen and to reguire registration of certain USCs would be so blatantly unconstitutional that nobody would even think to try it. Aliens are a different category (notice that USC and PR Muslims are not required to register, even if they were born of a Iraqi Father, Libyan Mother and raised in Afghanistan) and can be requited to register.

You are wrong that this is at all analogous to the Japanese internment during WWII. The "Japanese" (even USCs and PRs) living in the US were forced into internment camps that were only somewhat better than concentration camps in many ways. They were not just required to register, they were deprived of their freedom. That was a far worse situation and the US Supreme Court decision that said that this was constitutional is seen as an aberration and a product of the wartime mentality of the time. Even in the height of the 9/11 situation I do not think that long term incarceration of USCs of a certain parentage would have been possible.
I agree with you that Japenese faced alot more difficult situation then muslims but since 9/11 I have read enough news about people even with GC are being detained for indefinite time just because they their color or appearence or inability to communicate and also heard about some close door deportation hearings in 2002.
Last night I heard on CNN that FBI is asking all people to be vigilant and look for Pakistani guy, named mohammad something but they did not provide picture or even a sketch, so that makes every south east asian man suspicious and alot of people will be detained or some drama like in florida "Three medical students", just because of their color and origin.