Spam : Immigration detainment

Although it was quite sad but I found some humor in the article...

" I want to know why my husband can fight for his country and I can be treated like this," said
Vetter, released Tuesday night after a five-day detention. "They are supposed to protect the
country from terrorism, not housewives."
As usual some fools in BCIS went overboard and they have got their foot in their mouth with this one. I would like to see if they get kicked in the butt for this.

They did exactly what they would do to you and I if we:
1. went out and tried to re-enter without an AP
2. had stayed illegally (lapsed I-485)

I wonder how many such cases go unreported?
I am all for kicking BCIS butt, but the point is, that for anything to happen, one needs:

a. Visibility
b. Clout

BCIS will provide both the human interest and the black humor.

Thankfully, each incident of such foot-and-mouth disease makes them more defensive.
I don't understand this, (While I am not defending the inhumane treatment meted out to the woman and her baby), does that mean if one member of your family serves in the military you can do anything illegal as far as Immigration is concerned?

Forget about the mistreatment for some time, the fact the woman was dumb enough to not know what documents to carry and that her AP had expired, should not shield her from the law.

That moronic Congressman who "rarely gets angry" is playing for sympathetic votes.

Not that I have anything against BCIS getting it between its legs, I have seen some of the "treatment" they hand out to people they suspect are illegal and it is pretty nasty. But, the fact her case is now going to bumped up inspite of its fallacies, thanks to a sympathetic reporter and the "right wing" mentality prevalant now, is WRONG! She needs to be deported if she has made mistakes and the INS officers who ill-treated here and the hundreds of others (who go undocumented), punished!
Originally posted by 140_takes_4ever
I don't understand this, (While I am not defending the inhumane treatment meted out to the woman and her baby), does that mean if one member of your family serves in the military you can do anything illegal as far as Immigration is concerned?

Nope. It means Geroge Orwell in Animal Farm.
Personally I think that woman was beautiful and BCIS had no rite making her wait in the line. If I was IIO I would welcome all these beautiful women in my matter what....

infact I would like to have such country where I can welcome all these ladies...

dont flame me is just personal opinion...

I am sure deep in their heart nilardi, 140, silly man, and other would agree with me....Pls go a little more deep if you have doubts....
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Well, she's a caucasian woman, so she has all rights. Look at the above post for confirmation... nobody gets mad at a white woman, cause she doesn't need no rules. Rules is for us dirty, brown-skinned, ugly people. Yes siree, it gats to be just for us.
I think she got all this support because:
1.She's white
2.She's white
3.She's white
4.She's australian citizen
5.She's married to a military guy who's white.

She broke every law possible and has the audacity to say that she didn't know.
I am sympathetic that she was denied timely medical care but I have my suspicions about "no water for my child".These things are usually blown out of proportion to gain sympathy from media and the american public who will believe anything the media says.
Hey ECGC/Others,

Let's get real for a sec.
She woulda bin sent right back if it were not for the Navy big gun.

I agree with you she broke all the laws, but let's not run away with conjecture on what the reasons for her still being here are...
Give her a driver's licence

I think she should be the first illegal to get Gray Davis's DRIVER's licence...since she is married to the Navy White guy, she should obviously not undertake a driving test (never mind, they drive on the other side back home in Australia)

However she should take a written test (in Spanish preferably) and should be able to say "Hasta la vista, baby" in an Austrian (not Australian) accent...

finally....then she should vote Democrat

The American Dream....

warm regards
