Sooo long...and still waiting...Name check...


Registered Users (C)

Here is my info…

2nd FP : July 2nd 2003.

RD : 10/25/2001
ND : 11/21/2001
1st FP : Jan 2002.

As you can see, I have waited so long…I am to the point, hmm….is GC worth anymore if they cant decide whats good and whats bad for them…

Anyways, the main reason my case is held up is because of name check. I know the INS officer who is dealing with my case and my lawyer spoke to her too. The officer says, as soon as she sees my name cleared by FBI, she should have no problem in approving my file.

Its been more than a year now I have been waiting for my name check to clear…and have renewed EAD & Advance Parole almost two or three times now (hmm already lost track, lol) and another renew is due in October.

My case has been moved through local offices, the INS officer asked living together documentation (for wife and I), which I submitted and the officer says it looks good…

What I need help with is :

1. Do I have anything in my power to expedite name check?
(I have left a message to FBI # 202-324-2399 and faxed today to 202-324-3367 for a name check clearance, and I guess have to wait for 2 weeks before I call)
2. Will writing a letter to Iowa Senator help with this? Has anyone written and seen any results differently?
3. Does anybody have a format I could use to write a letter to the senator?
4. Is anybody in the same boat as I am.

I appreciate your valuable time in reading or for posting on this subject.

I guess the bright side is, atleast my fellow brothers/sisters are getting approved…so that’s good I guess.

Is your file at a serivce center or local office ??? Here are my answers to your ?'s

1. Do I have anything in my power to expedite name check?
(I have left a message to FBI # 202-324-2399 and faxed today to 202-324-3367 for a name check clearance, and I guess have to wait for 2 weeks before I call)
A. After reading various posts in this board, leaving voice mail or fax will expedite your name check. I left 2 VM and 2 FAX the first one being 8 weeks ago but no reply yet from FBI.

2. Will writing a letter to Iowa Senator help with this? Has anyone written and seen any results differently?
A. My understanding senators will only get the status from FBI but will not expedite since it is a security concern. But inquiry will expedite your name check, to my opinion.

3. Does anybody have a format I could use to write a letter to the senator?

The office of U.S Senator <Senator Name>

RE: Permanent Residency Petitions I-485 adjudication delayed.

Dear Senator,

We are writing this letter to request your office's help in finding the status of our employment based adjustment of status (I-485) applications, pending with Nebraska Service Center for over <xyears> years. After waiting for over <xmonths> months, we received a request to submit further evidence on <date> and we promptly responded to this request and sent all the required documents that were received by USCIS on <date>.

It has been <xmonths> months since we responded to the notice for request for further evidence and do not understand why it is taking so long for USCIS to look into our cases. Below given are the details of our case.

Primary Applicant Case Details:
Name: <Name>
Alien: <Alien#>
I-485 Petition Receipt No: <XXXXXXX>
Receipt Date: <date>; Notice Date: <Date>
1st Finger Prints completed: <Date>
Notice for Request for further Evidence Issued: <Date>
Response for Notice for Request for further Evidence received by USCIS: <Date>
2nd Finger Prints completed: <Date>

Derived Beneficiary Applicant Case Details:

Hence we request the help of your office to find out what exactly is going on with our cases and if possible push for a faster adjudication. We would highly appreciate any help that your office can provide in this regard.


<Principal Applicant Full Name>

<Derived Beneficiary Applicant Name>
Phone: <xxx-xxx-xxxx>
Email: <email>

4. Is anybody in the same boat as I am.
A.I guess I am in the same boat. I haven't got any reply from FBI on my name check though I left my voice mail weeks ago.

Good Luck.
My experience

I filed my case in 09/2001 and just got approved.
I also stuck in the name check.
What I did was I went to the local congressman office and seek help. And I was told my name check was not conpleted. Then I faxed and called name check center to find out the status. Two weeks later I got call to be told that my name check was done on a date right after I called. I don't know if it was becasue the involvness of congressman office. Then I wait for another two weeks to call the congressman office. The lady told us that my case went to hand of an officer on 5/28. Then my case was approved on 6/1.

I wish this can help you a bit.
I think the congressman is more helpful.

------ Not a legal advice -----
Thanks NSC for your time and insight. I feel and share your pain.
Now, is your senator the iowa senator? or was your senator different?
I had no luck in replies with VM's too. I left it again. We'll see.

Goal32 : When you say local congressman, who do you exactly mean, is it like ur mayor etc?
Well, I don't have too much legislation knowledge.
But my understanding is that the local congressman is not federal congressman. You can start by calling the federal congressman office and they will be able to tell who is your local congressman by giving them you residence ZIP code.
Looks like some guys are stuck with the name check. I wonder how such situation usually happens. Are those names happen to be related to some bad records with the same names? Thanks.