some hint about when to expect fast approvals


Registered Users (C)
Chat User : Could you please tell me if California INS has resumed I-485 processing? How is the speed of EAD renewal processing in this center? Thanks a lot for your wonderful service!

Attorney Murthy : Apparently, all of the INS service centers are now backlogged with TPS cases which have a deadline in early March 2003. So, don't expect many approvals in any category since the backlogs will increase in all petitions or applications filed at all the INS service centers. CSC and VSC have already announced that they expect delays. We have gotten I-485 approvals from Vermont and Nebraska, but not Texas or California. The last few days have brought in several more approvals of family groups.

this mean what... April '03 ???:confused:
What is Temporary Protected Status?

Temporary Protected Status (TPS) is a temporary immigration status granted to eligible nationals of designated countries (or parts thereof). In 1990, Congress established a procedure by which the Attorney General may provide TPS to aliens in the United States who are temporarily unable to return to their homeland because of ongoing armed conflict, environmental disasters, or other extraordinary and temporary conditions.
Isn't it nice...

Did you guys notice that EB's don't benefit from deadlines-there is no hurry to process our cases.

We pay taxes, bring in business. We are almost perfectly integrated.

Maybe we don't fit the poor, of-the-boat stereotype. Maybe that's what bothers people...
Actually, there is a deadline for processing an I-485 case. For example, if you remember in the receipt notice from VSC, it says 365-540 days! So, the deadline is 540 days after ND.
I don't get it

folks in EB categories are taxed like citizens, will never be on social security, put down good chunka change for the GC process and are at the bottom of heap !!! Way below deadbats and bums who jump off the boat, get to the shore and stand in line at the social security office !!! Not only are we ranked below those bums but our hard earned salaries pay social security taxes for those deadbeats to live off of. Someday we should change the policies of the immigration services.
I totally agree with you waytoolong. The INS policies are not only screwed up they are bloody f****ed up.
Hard paying legal people like us who help keep their social security system alive at current levels are treated like third grade citizens.
And our only crime is we try to earn a respective living the hard way instead of plain old carrying a begging bowl in our hand. I have a russian friend who applied for amnesty and rec'd it about 2 years ago and i am yet waiting in line.
We should start a movement or something. Does anybody know any senator who is leniant on immigraiton?
to BPBJHL042002

If you have an approved I-140, which I think you do, and you applied for I-485 in July to December 2001 you probably were delayed due to the 245(i) deadline.

...and 540 days from what: RD or ND? They freely decide on that issue, depending on their whim. If they run over, like some people reported, they'll just use the TPS dealine excuse again. That is no deadline, it's just a projected processing time.

My RFE note said that I should contact the INS after 60 days from their receipt of the my response. It did not say business days, just days. It did not say that they have to give me an answer after that time. I am long past due...and my file has not been assigned yet. You know why? Because my adjudication officer was sent to work on TPS cases.

I have got nothing against the TPS, I am in favor even of helping other human beings with our fees, but there should be some fairness in terms of processing. Give them I-765's quick (out of local offices), so they can work, and place them in line just like the rest of us. It's not even them, it's the policy that is wrong!

We are trying to play by the rules. We are considered to be in a safe position, yet when one of us gets laid off for even a month that person is in danger of being thrown out like dirty rags, regardless of his skills, unlike other categories. The latest rash of RFE's was a good example of their desire to "weed" us out. So what if a guy gets laid off for one, two or six months? If he is in the EB category, he's got some unique skills, and he is going to struggle to find a job soon, because welfare life is not acceptable once you were employed as an engineer, programmer etc. At least that's my opinion. Is it ok to kick someone out because he did not have a job for one month out of five or ten years?
I saw in another thread that the TPS deadline to be end of Jan'03. In that thread someone called up VSC and the IIO informed him/her about TPS and the deadline being end of Jan'03 and the rate approvals to pick up after that. The current trickle(of Aug/Sept/Oct'01 approvals) started then. Didn't the new INS fees kick in after they got done with TPS? So how/where did this new deadline of March'03 pop up now? Maybe I have it all wrong!

I searched for the other thread and could not find it.

patienceGC, I think thats from MurthyChat. Not sure though.
Thanks. Yes it was murthy chat transcript

Murthy Bulletin on the other hand under VSC update for Jan 21 states that the deadline is Jan end. So I dont know which one is correct. We did see quite a few approvals in the last two weeks. But yesterday again absolutely no approvals. So I am not sure if INS has a freeze oops.. "slow down" or "temporary delay" or "backlog"! Its just too frustrating to sit here and not do anything. Maybe we should just picket in DC!