SOLICITATION allegation on internet: Inadmissible?


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No arrest record, no conviction record, law abiding citizen:p. But google his name and comes up with allegations of patronizing escorts on an escort website. Will this make him ineligible?
I believe the background check involves information available online in addition to government records. You have a reason to be concerned. Said persons application will most likely be rejected. The person is undoubtedly of poor moral character.
You Googled his name ... are you sure it's the same person?

Are these just mere allegations, or actual charges filed against him?
Mere allegations. I did a background criminal check on him before marrying him in March. No bimbo here.:)

Well his record "could" have been expunged -- not sure if it works with a crime like that though. If it does, a criminal background check wouldn't reveal anything but he would have to put the incident on his green card application so you'd know then :)

If he indeed committed the crime and fails to put it in the green card application he'll be in big trouble in a hurry.