Should I reapply H-1B if EAD expired and EAD renew pending?


Registered Users (C)
My 485 is pending. I received my EAD last June and expired this June. Filed renew of EAD in January but has not received it yet.

My HR said that the lawyers cannot do anything to speed up EAD renew. He recommended me to apply for H-1B again. My first H-1B expired last year.

Should I apply for another H1-B? Or just wait for the EAD renew? Can I work during waiting for the renew?

You can file for another H1B but you cannot work before it is approved. The reason is that it will be considered a new H1B, not a H1 transfer.
Then what about I simply wait for my EAD renew approval without reapply H1-B? Can I work during the waiting?

I thought somebody would have nailed it by now? get iEAD and continue to work. If your lawyer wants to apply H1 at no charge to you, let him do it.
like neeru said

get iEAD...what neeru didnt say is that you applied for renewal in Jan '03, then you would able to get iEAD 90 days from receipt date of EAD...Which you clearly are get iEAD for local office