sheep gets slaughtered


Registered Users (C)
Dear friends,

we behave like sheep and "sheep gets slaughtered" ("wall street"(c)).

Why illegals with 3 classes of elementary school can unite and take action and we, people with great education, cannot?

If we behave like cowards, we will be treated like cowards. Let's make some noise and do it smart!!!

What I offer to do is this:

1. someone from this forum writes letter about injustice about BECs and retroregression. This letter has email of person who wants to co-ordinater nationwide manifestation in major cities of USA.
2. each one of us, emails letter to other H1 people and they forward it futher and so on.
3. When we have some critical mass, we decide to go on streets and show them that we are not cattle, but people who deserve respect.

I'm in San Jose, CA.

Thank you,