Sept RD - EAC 02-034-5*


Registered Users (C)
I just observed from site that many
EAC-02-034-5* series havent been approved yet including me. Anyone know whats going on with that???

Let us see how many fellas are yet to be approved with the 5 series.
yeah u r right

I don't know what the fu%^& is going on at INS. Out of 167 approved on rupnet there are hardly 5 or 6 from NY.

The rupnet % of approvals for Sept hasnt crossed 50% yet all these days. Every day there are approvals, but still its less than 50% since new ppl get added as they r approved.
It is not what I think ...

it is a reality.
Why in the world you need hundreds of vendors doing the same thing.
Look what happened to the PC market, only Intel, Dell, HP/Compaq and Microsoft survived.
That is what telecom is going through.

Telecom is not only about vendors. There are something called as service providers too. Only the best vendors and service providers will make it to the top. Being dead is different. Dead means non existent which wont be true. Telecom being dead is a broad term which will never be true. Some companies will be dead, not telecom in general.
Wake up!

Service providers are bankrupt.
They did not learn to make money from their services.
They won't need new equipment for a while, just like I can type this crap on 5-years old PC.
Corvis reported a revenue of $1.4M for the last quarter!
They could do better if they let their 883 employees to sell hotdogs on the streets.
Did your 485 papers were smelling of sambhar???

That might be a reason for the delay. You see all these fake degree people eat sambhar and so INS is smart. They have trained dogs for smell of sambhar and when the dog barks, the file has to go through additional security.
shantanu if they keep dogs for sambhar then they would have dogs for "Maacher jhor"(Fish curry) too so you would also be hanging in the middle

Just get the hell out of here.This forum is not for regional profiling
EAC 02-034-5***

The delay could be because of our cases being done using ND than RDs (as someone with July RD mentioned in this forum today that his approval was based on ND ie., Sept).

However, we can wait and watch.

I just hung up frustrated.. talking to an IIO. My RD is SEP 11 and haven't heard anything till now. She tells me that they are currently processing Sep15 cases and my case is Nov.
I told her that she has got my RD and ND mixed up.
She then asks me to hold takes a moment to verify and then tells me that my processing date is Nov and I need to wait for another 30 days before I hear something....I just said thanks and hung up..
I have no clue what she meant by processing date ..:mad:

RD: 9/11
EAC 02 034 5#
I agree with 2001_filer. It is ND and RD confusion that is causing delays in some cases. Some INS officers are picking files based on RD (Which should be the normal case.) and approved people from september and october RDs were picked up by these Officers and got approvals. Now there are stupid officers (which I think don't have enough brains to tell RD from NDs) are picking up cases by RDs thats why lots of august and early september filer are not yet approved and may get approved by the time there ND gets close to current processing date (which I believe is going by RD)

This just my speculation. Then again it is INS so who knows they are just picking cases randomly by closing eyes and puting finger on one of the file and approving it. Boy!!! such a job would be fun right ???
Just my two bits.

All of my friends who have Sept. RD have got some kind of an RFE.
From what I have heard, they are really going thru all cases with a fine toothcomb.
Just hang in there guys, U'r turn's next.
Take it from someone whose turn came in begining July and got screwed due to various factors.
Good luck.