Sept 2001 case got appoved


Registered Users (C)
Finally my case got approved. Following are my dates:

RD: Sept 2001
ND: Oct 2001
FP: April 2002
RFE: Dec 2002
2nd FP: Aug 2004
AD: Oct 7th 2004

Since May 2004 I keep contacting senater office. They find out my case was picked up in January, but was delayed because FBI naming check wasn't come back. They helped me to expedite FBI naming check and 2nd finger print. They are very helpful.

Good luck to all of you.
Good News


First of all Congratulations!

Secondly, if your happiness you seemed to have forgotten the year you're living in:) - I guess its 2003 and not 2004 ?

Third - many of us here would appreciate if you let us know which State and city you're from and which Senator helped, so people belonging to that city can also take similar help.

Take a week off and celebrate!

When I checked my status at night around 7:00 pm 10/7 it was not updated. It was updated when I check it in the morning 9:00 am 10/8. So I would like to say it is updated midnight 10/7 or early morning on 10/8.

BTW I live in Iowa.

Thanks for you all. Take care.

I am also in IA. I have the same RD as yours. Could you tell me which senator you contacted with? Did you call them or email to them?

Thanks for the info.

I contacted both senators. I wrote letters to them initially. Then an officer contacted me. You can specify the prefer way to contact you in your letters.

Good luck!