Senator Santa Claus doesn't exist.


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As expected, unfortunately all the excitement about the upcoming bills introduced by Sen. Specter and Sen. McCain seems to be fading away.

The question now is, if the guest-worker/amnesty bill does not pass the Senate floor test, let's see whether Sen. Frist bill will survive as is until it gets to the House. Yesterday on the local radio people were discussing whether those numbers proposed by some Senators (increase EB to 290K/year, do not count spouses, increase H1B's) are based on studies, or are more like add hoc numbers. Sen. Specter answered recently that he barely had the chance to type those proposals and a study to evaluate impact of population was not taken into account. Let's pray people doesn't pick on that.
It is doomed

I am watching this debate on Cspan2.
They are still arguing, and yet to arrive on anything.
If Specter's bill wont be accepted, then Frist's bill wont be considered at all.
The chances are bleak, as only 2 days are left before the weekend.
They will throw the bills in the trash can thereafter.
Are you sure Frist's bill won't be considered ?
The information I have so far is that if they don't get the 60 votes, Frist's bill would be then voted until Friday. Frist's bill is more like neutral, therefore should still have a chance to get 60 votes.
I can't watch Cspan, so confirm if you heard that Frist bill will not be considered ?

Lx95 said:
I am watching this debate on Cspan2.
They are still arguing, and yet to arrive on anything.
If Specter's bill wont be accepted, then Frist's bill wont be considered at all.
The chances are bleak, as only 2 days are left before the weekend.
They will throw the bills in the trash can thereafter.
Well Marlon, It is my opinion.
Democrats do not support Frist's bill.
When Specter's bill has support of republicans and facing
hard times, do you think Frist's bill without the support of
Democrats cross the senate??
And senate Democrats have threatened to filibuster Frist's bill because they want a measure that address more comprehensive reforms.
Then Rep. Sensebrenner's house bill will prevail, which doesn't contain
any controversial immigrant (Legal/illegal) issues.
Our plight will be back to square one again, and we will be ignored
for another couple of years.
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See, but Sen. Frist now could say "well, I gave you an opportunity to vote and ammend, but we didn't make it". Therefore Frist would send his bill to the test to see if they get the 60 votes - which is neutral when it comes to illegal aliens. Yes, Democrats initially don't support his bill, but what can they say now since Reid and McCain efforts have been unsuccessful so far ?

They will have to send Sen. Frist bill, or maybe they would send nothing to the House. Sen. Frist is the one with more chances to be accepted there for a debate, even Sen. Tancredo acknowledged that. Let's see what happens.

Lx95 said:
Well Marlon, It is my opinion.
Democrats do not support Frist's bill.
When Specter's bill has support of republicans and facing
hard times, do you think Frist's bill without the support of
Democrats cross the senate??
And senate Democrats have threatened to filibuster Frist's bill because they want a measure that address more comprehensive reforms.
Then Rep. Sensebrenner's house bill will prevail, which doesn't contain
any controversial immigrant (Legal/illegal) issues.
Our plight will be back to square one again, and we will be ignored
for another couple of years.