Sen. Cornyn Tries Back-Door H-1B Increase This Week


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December 06, 2006

Sen. Cornyn Tries Back-Door H-1B Increase This Week

FAIR has learned that Senator Cornyn, author of the Skil Bill, is trying to bring up his legislation on the floor of the Senate any moment! If passed, the Skil Bill will nearly double the number of high-tech H-1B visas and more than double the number of employment-based visas given to foreign workers each year. This is a great threat to U.S. workers, who can only watch as their jobs are given away to cheaper, imported labor. And for those high-skilled U.S. workers whose jobs aren't taken by foreign workers, their wages are being depressed by the influx of foreign workers who compete with them. The only one who benefits from increasing these visas is big business, which is able to pay their workers less and profit more.

for those who think FAIR is on your side. they not only hate illegals, they hate the legals too. and you can expect lou dobbs (who is for more legal immigration so he says) to have a segment tonight saying, "war on the middle class." but don't forget, not only is he is not anti-immigrant, he wants more of it. he just wants it legal. but when it comes to put up or shut up, he shows his true colors.
TheInquisitor said:

December 06, 2006

Sen. Cornyn Tries Back-Door H-1B Increase This Week

for those who think FAIR is on your side. they not only hate illegals, they hate the legals too. and you can expect lou dobbs (who is for more legal immigration so he says) to have a segment tonight saying, "war on the middle class." but don't forget, not only is he is not anti-immigrant, he wants more of it. he just wants it legal. but when it comes to put up or shut up, he shows his true colors.

It would be very useful for some people (who thinks: "americans do not care") to read users responses.
i know the moron of marlon will still not see it since he has an inferior brain, but i hope that most of you see that groups like fair and numbersusa are not on your side. watch your back. after they are done with the illegals, the next set of trains will be for the legals. in the middle of the night they will come for you and by sunlight you will be in international soil or water.
Lou Dobbs is against any kind of immigration..

I have to disagree with you. I have followed up Lou Dobb's show for sometime..until it became ridiculous. He is xenophobic.

I had read a nice blog on him sometime ago..cant find the link anymore..which talked about how Lou wants America to be :)..It said ..(means) not colorblind..get it?

I dont mean to offend you or anyone else here. It just an FYI..

TheInquisitor said:

December 06, 2006

Sen. Cornyn Tries Back-Door H-1B Increase This Week

for those who think FAIR is on your side. they not only hate illegals, they hate the legals too. and you can expect lou dobbs (who is for more legal immigration so he says) to have a segment tonight saying, "war on the middle class." but don't forget, not only is he is not anti-immigrant, he wants more of it. he just wants it legal. but when it comes to put up or shut up, he shows his true colors.
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Hey, let's not get into a bickering contest here. Please call your senators and congressmen to support it. We can all argue about these things later on... over beer or may be even champagne when we celebrate. But now... please make calls... it's VERY CRUCIAL time.
i have not watched loub dobbs on tv but i read his article every week on and so far i have not found him talking unreasonable...

if he wants america for americans first.....i dont see anything wrong in that....
How many of you remember Sen. Sessions pleading to the senate that what we need is good legal immigrants and expanded visas for them, not low skilled illiterate immigrants during the last debate.

You should listen to his hypocritical rant now that this is massive giveaway of high skilled jobs and would let 700K additional people in each year and that this should be done as a part of overall immigration reform not as a single measure.

Same Crap different day. I guess there will always be some newbie who comes onto these forums and buys this BS. Fact is those groups and their flagbearer in the senate (Sessions) do not want ANY immigrations, atleast not from certain parts of the world. Let this permanently be your wake up call.

The one man who is genuinely pro high skilled immigration and anti Illegal immigration is Sen Cornyn. He is more visionary and pragmatic and seem to have the overall best interest of the country when he speaks. Those on the liberal end just want votes and those on the conservative end just plain hate immigrants of all types.
nothing wrong with that. but don't be a fraud. don't say he is proimmigrant, but let it be legal. he hates the visa lottery because radicla islamic radicals will get in. he hates the hb1/2 people. you name it, he hates it.

georgetown u did a study on the senate bill and found that a smany 2 million high-tech workers wil come in via that bill. some say that the country wil only need about 500k. if true, perhaps we won't need 2 million new guest workers. fine. did mr. dodds say he would take in 300k as we get natives to fil 200k slots? nothing on getting what we need until we get our own to learn it. he hates the entire program.

many here are computer nerds. many would be capable of hacking into the e-voting machines. mr. dobbs and his friends are afraid that you guys would do that so to this skill bill would become law. tell me, if mr. dobbs really loves america, why doesn't he care that some radical feminist or pro-life groups would hack into those machines and affect the abortion debate? i am sure the NRA has people that could do that to get more pro-gun candidates to win. does mr. dobbs really care about that?

and do you know that not too long ago the fbi caught many criminals in raids? that they found child molestors teaching in daycare centers? that almost of of them were citizens and had fake ids? where was mr. dobbs? but had some illegal alien that is wonderful with children been caught in some immigration raid, mr. dobbs would have been screaming bloody murder. and yet, the child molestor was the american citizen and he said zero. so tell me, does mr. dobbs really care about america? i am beginning to doubt that.
Thanks to all who called Congressional offices! Looks like we're not quite out of the woods yet, but we should know more tomorrow.

Read on....

From: Roy Beck, President, NumbersUSA
Date: Thursday 7DEC06 5:45 p.m. EST

Your phone calls are making a real difference -- Cornyn/Microsoft currently stymied


Our citizen network did quite a job again today.

I cannot predict. But as the Senate offices begin to close their phones down for the evening (even as the Senate continues to do business), our friends on the Hill are feeling much more confident that we will wake up tomorrow morning and find that Sen. Cornyn and and the tech industry lobbyists will NOT yet have succeeded.

Some, though, believe Cornyn will make another attempt tonight to get a vote on his bill to almost double H-1B visas and employment-based greencards next year. Once the phone lines are down, however, you just have to take a rest and know you did what you could and hope that your efforts were enough to pull us through this evening.

Your thousands of phone calls made a major impression on all Senate offices and on both Republican and Democratic leadership offices in the House.

Our Capitol Hill Team is hearing from many staffers that this has been one of those "Phone Phenomenon" days in which one issue practically ties every office up in knots.


You may not have any idea how important that has been.

Perhaps most importantly, it has made our best Senator allies exceptionally determined to block Sen. Cornyn (R-TX). Our latest nose count is that nobody is backing off their "holds" that are keeping the Cornyn SKIL Act legislation from reaching the floor of the Senate.

Cornyn and the tech industry lobbyists continue to try to strike deals with the Senators to get them to remove their HOLDS. But backed by what they see as an overwhelming constituency knowledge of the issue and constituency opposition to increased foreign importation, the "holding" Senators are not budging. We are unaware of any of them accepting a deal to change their position.

The reason individual Senators are able to exercise such power with these holds is because Cornyn has to get a lot of normal precedure waived in order to bring up his bill at the last minute like this.

Our understanding is that Majority Leader Frist (R-TN) could go ahead and bring Cornyn's bill to the floor even with the holds if he wants to. But then he would have to get at least 60 of the 100 votes to break the holds of their colleagues -- which is kind of a personal thing.

The more that you make this bill seem totally radioactive the less likely Sen. Frist will want to end his Senate career on such an explosive note, or that 60 Senators would want to vote to break the holds.

A big thank you to all who have helped again today. There are hundreds of thousands of households this evening spread across the country that will have a much happier Christmas if we succeed in blocking the threat to their jobs, wages and standard of living that Cornyn's bill represents.

Our nation's nurses, physical therapists, scientists, engineers and programmers have studied hard and worked hard and invested considerable money to be able to do these jobs. Why should our government import massive numbers of foreign workers (which no independent study has shown are needed) when that action would cause so many middle class American households to suffer?

At NumbersUSA, we spend a lot of our time championing better treatment for the poor. But we also believe in the protection of middle-class Americans. You who have acted today have done a great service to these households.

I expect to have marching orders for you first thing tomorrow morning based on what the situation has become by that time.



P.S. If you didn't read Prof. Norm Matloff's San Francisco Chronicle op-ed today, please do so now because it explains so well why we consider this fight against major increases in legal foreign workers to be as important as our fight against illegal immigration.

Read the article here:
Look like this fite is over... some republicans are against..

12/07/2006: SKIL Bill Sponsor, Sen. John Cornyn (TX) Attempts a Last Minute Push for Passage of This Bill in the Senate

Report indicates that the Sen. Cornyn is attempting to push passage of this bill in the Senate during the Lame Duck Session. However, within the Republican court of the Senate, there are some Republican Senators that oppose this bill. Besides, considering the fact that the Lame Duck Congress may go out of session at the end of this week, unless a miracle happens, passage of this bill both in the House and the Senate may not materialize. Please stay tuned for this important development of news for the employment-based immigrant community.
However, it will be worthwhile for the community and businesses to send out a massive fax and emails to the members of the House and the Senate tonight and tomorrow morning encouraging them to show their last minute support for this important legislation.
some republicans will always be against it even after hardcore enforcement is set. indeed. but one could still try to get most dems and some reps and have them join in. let's hope it passes.

if not, next year with the immigration refrom bill. as long as it has real enforcement provisions, things like skil should pass.
I think this bill is dead with this congress...

TheInquisitor said:
some republicans will always be against it even after hardcore enforcement is set. indeed. but one could still try to get most dems and some reps and have them join in. let's hope it passes.

if not, next year with the immigration refrom bill. as long as it has real enforcement provisions, things like skil should pass.
probably. but nice to see you have friends inside. nice to see that you got to see your real enemies (they only pretend to be your friends). and keep it up and regroup for next year.
The bigger picture

The bigger picture here is that there is a great deal of imbalance between the US pay rates and those of Bangalore/Shanghai (or wherever your fancy is).

A programmer in the US can expect between 60k - 90K (and beyond), depending on his experience and geographical area.

Standard of living and cost of living taken into account, this is higher than what can be earned in India/China (and other third world countries) which is generating the big push to come to the US for some of those dollars. And the almighty dollar is MUCH stronger than the Renminbi or Rupee.

With open borders and less trade restrictions, it is getting easier for such global movement of people and hence we see all of this.

Currently the tech industry is being beseiged but pretty much all industries have this threat.

The US has grown extremely rich relative to third world countries whose workers are comparably well educated but cannot get comparable jobs due the bad infrastructure/trade policies/corruption/social or political systems etc in their home countries.

We are in the infancy of globalization and such movements will be greatly exaggerated over the decades to come as economic imbalances will struggle to equalize.

Currently a good equalizer would be for a programmer to make about 30k-35 in the US. If this is the case, there will be little incentive for Indians to come to the US as what they make at home will be comparable, give or take. But that would reduce outsourcing and generate more jobs right here. So are the American programmers happy with more less paying jobs or will they keep demanding very high salaries and complain about how jobs are being shipped overseas?

It's the economics, stupid!

The Chinese will continue to come, though, as it's a better life in the US under democracy, equality, liberty etc.

Watching these events unfold is interesting.

And here I am with a current priority date, stuck in name check!!! :mad:

You hit the nail on the head.

Only thing to be seen is whether politics and protectionism will be allowed to interfere with this trend. The manufacturing sector was allowed to go that way, and the salaries in that sector dropped precipitously and the unions' hold it was severely reduced, yet the level of immigration of those low skilled people has not slowed, perhaps it has not equalised enough yet ! I mean Chinese 42c per hr is hard to compete with, at that rate you couldn't even eat at McDonalds far less worry about housing or other basic needs!:eek: :eek:

However we are beggining to see it happen in the services sector too where the majority of jobs in the USA are situated, this was hitherto thought to be secure to these forces. This is sure to bring about a backlash of protectionism eventually. Yet there are demographic issues to be considered. This is especially hurtful to a youngster starting out in a entry level job and trying to build a nest egg. A middle aged person who has some capital invested in this game might find him/herself in a situation that he benefits in some ways (cheaper goods/services, better returns on investments etc) but loses in others, ie less job security, perhaps a lower income. So it might be a wash for him/her. For the Fat cats, or the Retired folks it is an unequivocal benefit. They do not give a damn what happens to current jobs or salaries(since they are retired or loaded) as long as the overall economy is good and their benefits preserved and their investments keep doing well. Today their vote matters most and they do vote more regularly.
As soon as the tipping point reaches where the those affected exceed those benefitted the levees will break and the protectionism will emerge. Its hard to be pragmatic when you are starving!

Some of this is needed for the US due to the demographic changes happening here with more older people and fewer youngsters, who would then be pushed into taking up non-outsourceable jobs................even if they are less glamorous. I have stated 3 yrs ago, wallow,cry, bitch or moan about it, but in a few years time a nurse will make more money than a computer programmer. Already today that pay gap has narrowed. That is the simple reality of the trend today.

In a democracy capital can only do so much to influence public policy. The ultimate power rests with the people. If they percieve the Democrats and Republicans are selling them out and if neither respond to their complaints, eventually a 3rd force can and will emerge. It did during the NAFTA debate in the early nineties and can do so again if/when the situation is right.
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Who tells you that Chinese will come for 30k-35 and for so-called democracy?

nj_skm said:
The bigger picture here is that there is a great deal of imbalance between the US pay rates and those of Bangalore/Shanghai (or wherever your fancy is).

A programmer in the US can expect between 60k - 90K (and beyond), depending on his experience and geographical area.

Standard of living and cost of living taken into account, this is higher than what can be earned in India/China (and other third world countries) which is generating the big push to come to the US for some of those dollars. And the almighty dollar is MUCH stronger than the Renminbi or Rupee.

With open borders and less trade restrictions, it is getting easier for such global movement of people and hence we see all of this.

Currently the tech industry is being beseiged but pretty much all industries have this threat.

The US has grown extremely rich relative to third world countries whose workers are comparably well educated but cannot get comparable jobs due the bad infrastructure/trade policies/corruption/social or political systems etc in their home countries.

We are in the infancy of globalization and such movements will be greatly exaggerated over the decades to come as economic imbalances will struggle to equalize.

Currently a good equalizer would be for a programmer to make about 30k-35 in the US. If this is the case, there will be little incentive for Indians to come to the US as what they make at home will be comparable, give or take. But that would reduce outsourcing and generate more jobs right here. So are the American programmers happy with more less paying jobs or will they keep demanding very high salaries and complain about how jobs are being shipped overseas?

It's the economics, stupid!

The Chinese will continue to come, though, as it's a better life in the US under democracy, equality, liberty etc.

Watching these events unfold is interesting.

And here I am with a current priority date, stuck in name check!!! :mad:


--->The Chinese will continue to come, though, as it's a better life in the US under democracy, equality, liberty etc.

Don't bet on that!
i would also like to add that, in my opinion chinese communisnm is not so bad.....afterall its not easy to manage a population of 1.6 billion..

atleast they are 10 times better than india in some areas......i think whether its usa, china or india.....political leaders are the same.....they are shitty humans like you and me....incapable of rising above self interest....