self-petition EB1-OS approved-NSC


Registered Users (C)
Just heard from AVM that my EB1-OS was approved
RD 7/16, ND 7/20, Ad 9/14.
I preapred whole petition myself without any lawyer, only got signature from comany.

I also submitted NIW and EB1-EA at the same time(all self-prepared)which are still pending.
Help : eb1 by myself

Hello CYP,

I am working on my Eb1-alien of extraordinary ability by myself(without company sponsor).
I found your message. it seems that you may give me some suggestions.

I have prepared all documents for my initial evidence.
Now I am filling my I-140 form.
However I would like to know if I fill the form correctly before my filing them.
Could you advise me?

Part 1.
I filled in my name,address and SSN number. Leave other items N/A

Part 2.
check : an alien of extraordinary ability

Part 3.
I filled in my name, address, date of birth, A#, I-94,

Part 4.
I checked : The person named in Part3 is now in the US and an application to adjust status to permanent resident will be filed if this petition is approved. (since i am working for a company)
AND, checked all the othe 3: NO. they are
( Are you filing any other petitions with this one?
 Is the person you are filing for in removal proceedings?
 Has immigration visa petition ever been filed by or on behalf of this person?

Part 5.
Type of petitioner : I check SELF
And, leave other N/A

Part 6.
N/A (since not sponsored by comapny)

Part 7

Thank you for your help

for part 6, you may put your employment inf

Hope this will help a little. Actually my EB1-EA still pending.

in Part 6, I think it\'s beneficial to provide your employment inf, such as permanent job and salary, even it is self-petitioned. I also got a letter from my employer stating my job function, etc. I also enclosed ETA750B. Rest of your entry looks right.

Good luck
anothe questions about Eb1-EA DIY..

Hello cyp,

Thank you for your reply. I downloaded ETA 750B from Depertment of Labor.
If I can fill the form I would like to add it in I-140 my petituon.

Now I have another questions for my I-140 petition.
I will include my form I-140, and initial evidence (my publications, citations of my papers, reference letters from other scholars) to INS.

I studied the instruction of I-140.
It seems that they are all what INS need to see.
Do I miss anything?

In my petition letter.
I wrote "I am submitting documentations in support of my I-140 petition with E1-1 classification for an alien who has extraordinary ability in science, arts, education, business and athletics."
I got this sample letter from my friend.
However, i feel weird because in I-140 instruction
I did not see Eb1, eb2.... this sort of classifications.
Do you think this sentence Ok?

Your suggestions are greatly helpful to me.

more needed


you may add your degree, transcript, employer\'s offer letter (even it is self-petition). Using EB1 is OK. But you need clearly point to which 4 or more criteria you fit.

good luck

please help me for the cover letter of E-1

Hi,cyp, I am doing my E-1 application by myself. Now everthing is ready except the cover letter. Could you send me a sample cover letter if you have any? Thanks, I will really appreciate.ty

I am also self petitioning. Could you send me a sample petition letter. Your help is highly appreciated.
Also good luck with your petition.

EB-1 or NIW?

Hi cyp:
could you please post some details about your EB-OR petition...What was the service center? what is your qualifications, etc?
This info will help many!
Thanks in advance for your trouble...
Classification or category of EB1

Check I-140 under FOR INS USE ONLY, you will find

Extraordinary ability: 203(b)(1)(A)
Outstanding Professor or Researcher: 203(b)(1)(B)

In my EB1-OR approval notice, it says

    Case Type: I140 Immigrant Petition for Alien Worker

    Section: Outstanding Professor or
             Researcher., Sec. 203(b)(1)(B)

Here is my cover letter.

United States Department of Justice
Immigration & Naturalization Service
USINS Texas Service Center
P.O. Box 852135
Mesquite, Texas 75185-2135

RE: I-140 Immigration Visa Petition as an Outstanding Researcher, First Employment Based Preference, by MY EMPLOYER, on Behalf of Dr. XXXX XXXX.(ORIGINAL SUBMISSION)

Dear Sir or Madam,

Enclosed please find

1. Form I-140,
2. Two attachments of I-140,
3. My letter summarizing Dr. XXX’s and my company’s qualifications, (THIS IS A CRITICAL LETTER!!!!!!)
4. List of Exhibits, and
5. Supporting documents, 63 Exhibits with the identifier and page number at the bottom of every page.

All documents are in connection with one petition by MY EMPLOYER. on behalf of Dr. XXXX. Also enclosed is our check in the amount of $115.00 in payment of the required filing fee. We would appreciate receiving your receipt for these documents and this fee payment at your earliest convenience.

If you need any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. I would appreciate your earliest possible adjudication of this application.


XXX XXX, President
"exhibits" means what & EB1b need employer sponsor?

Hi eb1tsc,

Would you or anyone please tell me what do "exhibits" mean? something equivalent to publications?

Then other question is that EB1B petition need employer sponsor, did you pay the attorney fee by your self or just filed by yourself(your employer only prepare some necessary documents)?

Thanks a lot