****SELECTIVE SERVICE - Pls Read*****


Registered Users (C)
Hello everyone,

I have been posting here a little bit over the last few years but I wanted to post my experience regrading Selective Service because I believe it may help someone else in the same position.

When I filed out my N-400 I was confused as many people were when my lawyer asked my about Selective Service. I didn't even know what it was and he told me that this could be a problem for me.

Anyway I shipped my N-400 out and got a letter from USCIS after my fingerprinting that basically told me I must get a letter from Selective Service showing my current status with them. Anyway I was panicking like alot of people on this board on how not registering with them could basically derail my application.

I called them up at the 1800 number and finally got in touch of a lovely lady called Marlin. After giving her all the questions on my visa and green card history, she told me that I was INFACT REGISTERED!

Now how did I get registered you may ask?? We'll when I got my green card I was attending undergraduate school at JMU. Apprantly when I notified the school I wasn't on a G-4 visa anymore, I believe they registered my on my behalf. Yesterday I got my Selective Service card showing my number and the date I registered (1/10/2001 - when I used to return to school)

So for all those poeple that thought you did not register, call them ASAP, give them all the info they ask for and you might be in there. Even when I go onto their homepage and put my info in, it shows "No Record" for me. This was because a lot of times your number is not linked directly to your social according to Marlin.

So don't freak out, call them you might be in there.

Now experts one more quick question. The only strike I have agaisnt me still is a DUI in DC in 2003. My first time, blew a .03 - yes a .03 in 2003. I went to Diversion, took 12 hours of education and they wiped my slate clean. I ahve hired a lawyer to help me regadring this (I also have only 1 speeding ticket in the last 11 years anywhere) but I hope I am ok. WHat do you guys think about my chances?

Lastly Selective Service sent me my Selective Service card - Is this the same at the Status Information letter and now what do I say to the Interviewer when he asks my why I didn't register and now I have proof that I did infact regsiter, I just didn't know it.

Thank you guys, esp Sony and JoeF & JhonnyCash among others - You guys are truly awesome people who try and help so many others.!

My Priority Date is (9/22/05) and I am waiting for my interview letter - anyone else in the Dc area already got their with the same PD?? Just asking..

PS. If you want to private message me about anything pls do so!
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Could you please share the phone number you called and the website you used to check your enrollment?