Selection Service Letter


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Hi Helpful Guys,
I have entered this country 10 days before my 26th B'day in H1 B Visa. Do I need to get "Selection Service Letter". If yes, do i need to get it before I file N400 or it is only needed during intervice?

Thanks in advance.
I would recommend getting your Selective Service sorted out BEFORE you file the N-400. The N-400 specifically asks you for your Selective Service registration number, or an explanation of why you did not register.

At my interview, the IO was very interested in my Selective Service status. When I gave the IO a copy of my registration card, the IO ran it through a computer to make sure I was indeed signed up (although I am no longer 26 at this point).
Hi Helpful Guys,
I have entered this country 10 days before my 26th B'day in H1 B Visa. Do I need to get "Selection Service Letter". If yes, do i need to get it before I file N400 or it is only needed during intervice?

Thanks in advance.

if you entered in H1B visa, then no need to register for select service.You can file N400 and request for SSL ...
if you entered in H1B visa, then no need to register for select service.You can file N400 and request for SSL ...

Does someone have a reference that specifically says H1-B visas are exempt from Selective Service registration? According to the SSS page, H1-B may fall under the "Lawful non-immigrants on visas" category and be exempt, but I'm not sure, see:

Specifically this chart:
Hi Helpful Guys,
I have entered this country 10 days before my 26th B'day in H1 B Visa. Do I need to get "Selection Service Letter". If yes, do i need to get it before I file N400 or it is only needed during intervice?
You must be over 31 by now, so you don't need it at all.
I am a little confused. If I understand some of the posts, if you are over 31, you did not have to register, even if you came to the US between the ages of 18-26? I came here at 22, became a LPR at 26 yrs. and 1 month. However, I may have been out of status briefly in the interim. I am now over 35, so is it a non-issue?
First of all, H1B is a non-immigrant visa and you don't have to register with SS if you are on a non immigrant visa during that period (18-26 yrs of age).