Security Check Question


Registered Users (C)
Dear Forum Members,

I am new here at the immigration forum. I was reading about the problems and delays with the security checks for naturalization process. I apologize if my questions are a bit redundant to what already been posted here. But it seems that I am so much behind most of you in understanding the process.

My FP were done back on 09/22/2005 in Newark, NJ and since then I transferred my file to CA, SF Office due to relocation. And I recently had an interview at the SF District Office and passed it just fine; however at the end I was given the form that says that it's pending for security checks. I called USCIS; their reply was that they send for security checks only after the interview was completed. Is this true?

From many postings here I thought that contacting FBI is after all not such a bad idea. So, I called FOIPA number and been told to send a form by mail. Is this how it's normally done? Some people here wrote that they just called FBI and were given the answer right a way. Well, it didn't work for me. It seems I am missing something here. Also, how can I verify/check if FBI in fact had received a request from USCIS for security checks? I worry that something was lost during my case transfer. What can and/or should I do to expedite the process. Thanks in advance.
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olegb said:
Dear Forum Members,

I am new here at the immigration forum. I was reading about the problems and delays with the security checks for naturalization process. I apologize if my questions are a bit redundant to what already been posted here. But it seems that I am so much behind most of you in understanding the process.

My FP were done back on 09/22/2005 in Newark, NJ and since then I transferred my file to CA, SF Office due to relocation. And I recently had an interview at the SF District Office and passed it just fine; however at the end I was given the form that says that it's pending for security checks. I called USCIS; their reply was that they send for security checks only after the interview was completed. Is this true?

From many postings here I thought that contacting FBI is after all not such a bad idea. So, I called FOIPA number and been told to send a form by mail. Is this how it's normally done? Some people here wrote that they just called FBI and were given the answer right a way. Well, it didn't work for me. It seems I am missing something here. Also, how can I verify/check if FBI in fact had received a request from USCIS for security checks? I worry that something was lost during my case transfer. What can and/or should I do to expedite the process.

are you sure they were talking about the FBI name check / background check or it is the USCIS check?

I was in a similar situation. My interview officer told me there was a background check pending. However, she told me it had nothing to do with FBI (and turned out she told me it was a background check conducted by USCIS ..blah).
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Thanks. No, this was my first post.
I am not sure if it's FBI check or USCIS check. Officer did not specify and a big red stamp says " Pending for Security Checks". Is there a way to find out which one it is and how can I find it out? Does the USCIS customer service at 1-800 number know the details, or am I wasting my time calling them?
olegb said:
Thanks. No, this was my first post.
I am not sure if it's FBI check or USCIS check. Officer did not specify and a big red stamp says " Pending for Security Checks". Is there a way to find out which one it is and how can I find it out? Does the USCIS customer service at 1-800 number know the details, or am I wasting my time calling them?

If I were you, I would schedule an infopass appointment to inquiry the case status...etc.
same situation

olegb said:
Thanks. No, this was my first post.
I am not sure if it's FBI check or USCIS check. Officer did not specify and a big red stamp says " Pending for Security Checks". Is there a way to find out which one it is and how can I find it out? Does the USCIS customer service at 1-800 number know the details, or am I wasting my time calling them?

I have the same result after the interviewer in SFO too. I still waiting for the oath letter, and it has been 3 weeks since the interview.
Security Checks pending

Hi OlegB,

I am in the same situation. Got my interview yesterday. The guy told me "...we send the names of all candidates to FBI for security check - they did not return yours yet..." . He said evrything is OK with your application. Now just wait for invitation for the oath ceremony... he said. He gave me the passport application and the piece of paper that has the red stamp Pending security checks. I called the local FBI office they said i have to call Washington. Called Washington and nice recording message explaned that you have to mail a form to them. Im planning to wait for couple of weeks and go for infopass...

Thanks everyone for your replies.
Well, I actually went for infopass appointment today. It's not informative either. They will not tell you anything different from you already heard. "your case is still pending for a name check' - was the answer which I already knew. I called FBI fingerprinting line and inquired about my fingerprinting status. It was sent back to USCIS on the same day as my fingerprinting took place back on 09/22/2005. That's the story. I think there not much one can do to expedite the case, unfortunately. I'll probably will keep going for infopass every once in a while, just in case. I wonder if you guys did get a different experience from infopass?
Good luck to all of you. Let's keep in touch with our progress.
The lawyer says NO to 1447b

I told one lawyer my security check delay today. However, he said I can't file 1447b because the 120-day rule is not applied for my case. I have seen many victories by filing 1447b in this forum. Why he said 120-day rule can not help.
oath letter received

What a surprise! I received the oath letter today, the oath is set on Apr 20th.
Only 3 weeks after my interview I received the letter.
i do not think that "security check" was the name check. I would guess it could be the IBIS check which it is done by USCIS.

but who cares? the most important thing is you get the oath letter :)
olegb said:
guys, what is IBIS check? And how many checks are out there?

Straight from the VSC:

IBIS (Interagency Border Inspection System) is a national security check system which utilizes data from numerous law enforcement sources, including NCIC, FBI, CIA, CIS, Customs and other agencies. IBIS checks are being instituted to identify suspected terrorists, aggravated felons, wants and warrants, previous INS contacts, national security risks and other causes for security concern. Checks are now routinely run on corporate petitioners, but may be done at the discretion of examiners. IBIS checks are run on all foreign national beneficiaries and applicants and all individual petitioners.

In some cases, according to the VSC, where the name is very common, such as Jose Lopez, there may be numerous IBIS hits. A hit on IBIS may delay processing. Common identity hits are a significant problem.

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Name check

Hello all, and thank you all for the very helpful informations you guys are posting in here..
Here is my situation:
Applied for N400 on November 2004
Interviwed on March 2005
Still wating for the oath ceremony.....
Last time I contacted INS on the phone to request an enquiry ( January 10 2006), they sent me a letter (on Feb 15th 2006) asking me to go to my local office. I did go , and still the same answer again "Name Check" . They also told me that my FP is about to expire, so in the spot they gave me an appointment to renew my FP's.
By the way, I applied in Los Angeles, I just moved to Atlanta GA, this month, before I came I contacted INS over the phone to ask them what should I do if Iam movin to a different state, Tthey suggest to do a change of address not to Atlanta but to a differet address in Los Angeles, to a friends place for example, so my file won't get more delays by having to sen it to a different state, so I did. I filled a change of adress form to a friends house in Los Angeles.
Now I am here in Atlanta, still no response. So you guys think I ve done the right thing by not doing a change of address to Atlanta.....and what do u guys think my next step should be now.
Although I am not sure if you did a right thing by not changing your address to your new residence, I don't think that change of address will significantly delay your case. It's much easier to have your case closer to where you are. I did change my address from New Jersey to California when I moved after filing N-400 and having my fingerprints. It went smoothly since I've already had my interview here in California. So, in my situation case relocation is not the limiting factor. Good luck
I personally would rather delay the case than risk being accused of not having an accurate address on file. Just because an INS agent tells you it's OK doesn't mean it is.

One time my work card was close to expiring and a paperwork mixup has sent my GC case to Cinci. The officer said to go to Cinci for my work card. I told him my work card woudl have expired by then and I'd have to quit my job. He told me that I could continue working as long as I got it renewed soon.

Of course, I did not take his advice. I complained to his manager about the mixup sending my file to cinci and that it would just be sent back anyways blah blah blah. (I did not complain about the bad advice - I dealt with this officer a lot and didn't want him to hate me next time I appeared before him!) They were kind enough to process my card that day in Cleveland.