secondary inspection


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when you enter on AP to the US, what kind of question BCIS ask, how secondary inspection is different then first inspection.donot they have all the info available at the first inspection I guess they do pull out some kind of info from the computer.

when you enter on H1 they donot do the secondary inspection, why on AP...THX
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Nothing really. They asked me:

Where do you work? XXX
Same company you have being working for? Yes
Do you have a work permit? I have an EAD
That's not what I mean. I had B1, changed to H1
Then you are on AOS. Yes

That's all. Nothing to worry if you are legal.
Need some clarification

Hi Folks,
My wife’s EAD was approved couple of months ago and she went and got her SSN changed, since she was on H4. Her SSN has “Valid of work with INS authorization”. What bothers me is that I have couple of friends who has got SSN changed and does not have anything on it except for the number. They are still waiting for their green card. The lady at the SSN office is not much of help. All of your inputs is appreciated.
She can't work either way, evenif somebody forgot to put those words on your card. Don't you think?
If she has her EAD she is good to go.
She can just use her SSN and present the EAD card at time of employment.
EAD2003 is right. She can work. Her previous SSN card had "Not valid for Employment" or something like that. Now it says "Valid for work with INS authorization".

From what I have understood, if the SSN card does not have anything but the number on that then that person does not have any restrictions. Like applying for federal college loans and things like that.

I was just trying to see if someone out there has the same kind of message when they changed their SSN status after getting EAD approved.