Seattle passport stamping experience


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Received I-485 approval notice in the mail on 1/29. Notice said I should go to the Seattle office. I live in Bellevue and there\'s an INS satellite office in Bellevue. However, I didn\'t take any chances and went to Seattle.

1. Got a notarized copy of my I-485 approval notice just in case (the IIO would take it away when I got my passport stamped.)
2. Went to and noted directions to office. Verified with
3. Got two ADIT photos from the place I used for my EAD
4. Wrote name, A# on back of photos with pencil
5. Bought good book to take along and read during wait
6. Took black pen, pencil and eraser along
7. Took checkbook along (INS might not accept cash or credit cards in case I needed to pay a fee)
8. Put passport, I-94s, I-485 approval notice and ADIT photos in plastic wrap, in case of rain, with address and phone number, promising $200 reward for their return if lost and returned

1. Got up early on 2/4, drove to INS office, getting there about 6:30 AM (notice said 8-11 AM and said office opens 7:30 AM, but didn\'t want to take any chances)
2. Parked at the Uwajimaya on Dearborn across the street from the INS office (won\'t park my BMW on the street in that neighbourhood, even if Uwajimaya parking is $5/hr)
3. Waited in line outside office and read my book. Five people in line ahead of me, none smart enough to bring along reading material. Freezing; but all had jackets or coats. (I didn\'t have gloves on; so had to keep switching the book from hand to hand)
4. People kept arriving. At 7 AM about ten people behind me
5. A lady arrived and set up a desk behind the doors
6. Guard called up people who had citizenship interviews. They talked to the lady and went on
7. Guard called up the rest. He asked for my zipcode and waved me on to the lady. I told her I needed my passport stamped with my green card. She asked to see the approval notice, handed me a form to fill out and told me to go through security to the waiting room
8. Went through a metal detector (x-ray for keys, wallet, etc. like at the airport)
9. Arrived at the waiting room. Displays on the wall which should show the numbers as they come up. Display C is for "replacement cards." (my number is C 311.) However, the displays are turned off. Many restless small children in room
10. Filled out the form that lady had given me and enjoyed my book. A few minutes later, an officer called number 301 (displays are not used)
11. At 8:15 AM, my number finally called (after 301, 302, 303, 307, 309)
12. Took the filled-out form and my papers to "counter 6" (in the hallway on the way to the waiting room)
13. IIO asked for passport, approval notice, filled-out form and driver\'s license
14. IIO took I-94s out of passport and stapled them to approval notice. Asked me to write my city of birth at the bottom of the notice
15. IIO typed stuff into a computer and printed out a form. Asked me to review form and sign it. Took right-index fingerprint (ink, not digitized) on it
16. IIO stamped my passport and handed it back to me with the filled-out form that the lady had given me, which he had signed. Said filled-out form is my proof of application, plastic card will be mailed in 8-10 months. Did not give back my I-485 approval notice, my I-94s, my ADIT photos or the form with my fingerprints and signature on it
17. Done! Out at 8:30 AM and saw about fifteen people in line outside. Waiting room inside was full

1. Got notarized copies of my passport stamp and filled-out form (proof of application) in case I lose these documents. Notary thought proof-of-application was a photocopy; so said he wouldn\'t notarize it. Was right about the proof-of-application form itself (stingy INS); but the writing is in black ink, not photocopy. Convinced him and he notarized
2. Went to my favourite wine shop and bought a bottle of Gloria Ferrer to celebrate
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sampai, did you have AP? If you have, did you have to hand it in with your EAD card if you have as you had your passport stamped in your local INS office. I know, if you have EAD, you are required to hand in the card as you have your passport stamped. Thanks.