Scanned copy or FAX copy- RFE affidavits


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I have received scanned copies of Birth certificates from INDIA .

1)Can I send these copies to INS for RFE ?

2) Do I need to get fax copies ?

Thanks in advance.
I think you need to get originals.
At least my attorney said so.
You might want to check with your attorney

Good luck
Copies only ?

My attoney said they need only copies and NOT originals for birth certificate as well as Affidavits. Experts please clarify.
depends on attorneys

Mine told me to send originals even thought it would take longer than scanned email attachements!!
keep in mind that BC is the second most common reason for RFE after Employment..

...only copies are required by INS. However, some attorneys insist on originals while others insist on Notarized Copies.. Either of these two may save u an RFE later and hence a couple of weeks if not months in your GC process.. So better to send atleast notarized copies..

Also make sure that ur birth certifate has enuf info on your parents (name atleast, preferably dob and resident of). If not, u might be better off including an affidavit from them on Rs. 10 stamp (assuming u are indian).. Sample can be found on

my 2 cents worth..

Here's what I did:

I got a similar RFE. I asked my parents to fax me affidavits etc. My attorney said there was no need of sending the originals but the copies that we send should be clear.
Since the fax was not very clear, I decided to wait and get the originals. It took about 1 week to get the originals by Speed-post.
Took copies from these originals and sent them over to INS. Incase they want originals I have them with me, so can send them quickly.
Hope this helps.