Does anybody know about any INS office that opens on Saturday for Passport Stamping, in LOS ANGELES area. My GC and my wife\'s GC got approved yesterday (2-25-02) and they already mailed the notice. We are expecting the notice some time this week, may be Thursday or Friday, but my wife is going to India on Sunday. I want my wife to get PP stampped before she go to India, but I cannot postpone her trip.
Also, in worst case, if we received the notice next week (that\'s after my wife left to India), how long she can wait without any problems or issues to get it stampped on her passport. Some people say better to get it stamped within 60 days and somebody say within 180 days. Anyway she is planning to come back to USA in first week of July.
Please advice me on this as soon as possible...thank you very much friend!!
Does anybody know about any INS office that opens on Saturday for Passport Stamping, in LOS ANGELES area. My GC and my wife\'s GC got approved yesterday (2-25-02) and they already mailed the notice. We are expecting the notice some time this week, may be Thursday or Friday, but my wife is going to India on Sunday. I want my wife to get PP stampped before she go to India, but I cannot postpone her trip.
Also, in worst case, if we received the notice next week (that\'s after my wife left to India), how long she can wait without any problems or issues to get it stampped on her passport. Some people say better to get it stamped within 60 days and somebody say within 180 days. Anyway she is planning to come back to USA in first week of July.
Please advice me on this as soon as possible...thank you very much friend!!