San Jose Interview Experience


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Well, the people who have followed my postings are not going to believe this. I am sure they are going to be rubbing their eyes in disbelief. Yes, I had my interview this morning, and yes, I was late to the interview.

Well, past the initial shock. Let me clarify the situation. I hadn't been to the USCIS office since I got my passport stamped over five years ago. I had planned to leave home at 7:40, one hour before the interview. I ended up leaving (for causes mostly outside of me) at 7:55. GPS device was telling me to expect getting there at 8:20. So far so good. Of course, traffic is a bit heavier at the time, although most of the traffic on Hwy 87 was going North, and I was going South. I ended up losing most of the time on traffic lights. Once I got close to the exit I got distracted (the Alma exit has changed lately) and missed the exit. Ok, one mile down the highway I took Curtner. Now, the USCIS office was going to be on the left of a divided Monterey Highway. Remembering old times I thought of taking Stauffer Blvd to go to the back of the parking lot. That was a little mistake. Now, the parking lot is divided between Gold Gym's and USCIS, and I was at the Gold Gym's parking lot. Perhaps it would have been ok to park there, but why risk it. I went back to Stauffer Blvd to go left on Monterey highway and do a U turn about less than half a mile down the highway. Of course, this is not my day with traffic lights, so it takes me to wait quite some time at both traffic lights. Finally I get to park the car. By now it is 8:35.

Got to the line, not too many people ahead of me. Of course I am a bit stressed by now. Another three minutes or so to get to security. Hard to say the time because I left my cell phone at the car, and that's what I use as a clock. Level of stress rises a notch because of not being able to tell the time.

I start removing my shoes before the guy ahead of me has cleared security to save some time. The door guard makes a point that I should stop fidgeting because he could not tell if the fidgeting was to get out a knife. Of course he is not one hundred percent serious about the comment. Point taken, by that time I had already taken out the shoes anyway. Put belt, keys, shoes, wallet in the tray to get scanned. Pass metal detector with no problems. Get back the belt and stuff back in place.

Now I needed to get my bearings. Quick look around points that I have to go right and go upstairs to room 219. I somewhat knew that in the back of my head from previously read posts. Anyway, stress and anxiety can take its toll. I quickly go upstairs and find the room. I knew I had to drop the interview letter at Window #1. While I am walking into the room I locate where that window is. I get to it and drop my letter. Then I go and grab a seat. The room has plenty of chairs, but there were about twenty or thirty other people sitting there. I scan the room with my eyes and find the clock on the wall. The time, 8:45, not too bad, but past the time. I am an optimist, and try to relax and think that everything is going to be alright.

About 10 or 15 minutes later my name is called. The interviewer is a polite lady. I don't know if this has been posted before, but I was kind of expecting they would be in uniforms. That's not the case. They dress in civilian clothes. The interviewer takes me to the examination room. She asks me to remain standing to take the oath. I sit down and we get down to business. I sent my application about 85 days or so before my 5 years. She makes a point of counting and making sure I sent the application within the time frame. She doesn't tell me anything, but I see she has come to the conclusion that everything is alright with the application timing. We go over name, birth date, address, social security number. She asks me if I am still working for my current employer. We get down to trips and passports. I took my current passport and older passport. Some of the trips don't have stamps. She just focus in the last one for which I have stamps. No other issues. I was also asked for any trips since I applied. There are none, so no problems here. I have more than one passport, we talk a bit about which one I use. Anyway, we get past it.

Then I think it was the civics questions, although it could have been the other way around. The questions don't really matter, as each person gets asked a different set. Suffice to say that the questions were from the set of 96 questions. I got the questions asked verbally and I promptly gave my answers verbally too. I didn't keep count, but I think I got asked the full ten questions. No mistakes here, test passed. Asked some questions about criminal background, communist background and things like that. Not all the questions from the form were asked, just some of them.

I asked if I could do the ceremony before the end of July. She told me that July was already full.

I was asked to practice my signature writing my full name. I practiced in a piece of paper. Then I wrote my name and last name on the photographs (both of them). Name over my right shoulder and last name over my left shoulder.

At some point I was also asked to write a simple sentence, also from the list of sample sentences. I think it was "I go to work every day"

Signed and printed name on the application after having answered the questions about bearing arms to defend the country and being willing to take the oath. Got the N-652 with the recommended for approval, and having passed the english/civics test. Overall I think it took about 15 minutes. It was a pretty pleasant experience. I was told I might probably make it to the August 22 ceremony (no 100% assurance on this), and if not on September.

I had a pretty straightforward case, with trips well below the limit, no traffic tickets or any other issues.

I hope the reading of this post has been entertaining and informative ;)
Congratulations and good luck for passing the Interview. I have been reading your posts for quite some time so far. Was there any job related questions other than how long you have been working with your current employer?

Good luck!!
Thanks :)

Yes. I think I was lucky. I didn't want to be the first one to post that I got rejected for being an hour late or so. Honestly I don't recall anyone mention an issue for being late, but on the other hand, most people get there in time ;) The issue of being a few minutes late was not even raised during the interview. I guess everyone is so busy getting the interview machinery running smooth that they don't care for a few minutes. Me being a few minutes late probably meant that they interviewed somebody else who had a later slot (but was already in the room), before me. It is pretty funny how fast the whole affair moves. For the number of months it takes to get an interview, the processing at the office seems to be fast. It is not like you sit there and nobody gets called in a long time. People gets called pretty much every minute or couple of minutes. There were probably around five different interviewers, possibly a few more.

No, basically the only job related question was if I was currently working for the same employer I listed as the last one in my application. I guess the question was mostly to see if the application needed to be updated or not. The question was, do you still work for X? Where X is the name of the company ;)

Congratulations on passing your interview and making it interesting for yourself since you did not even have traffic tickets to worry about :)

Congratulations on your success.

You have been a great help on this board. Please hang around for some more time:)

Way to go, Huracan! That must have been pretty frightening to be late for the interview after all this time waiting. Anyway, all is well that ends well.

Just as a matter of interest, how long did you stay with the employer who sponsored your GC?
Thanks guys,

Arriving late was stressful. I am not going to deny that. However, when I got to the room and placed my letter on the tray, quite a bit of the stress and anxiety disappeared. Somewhat I was pretty confident it was going to be alright, and yes, it definitely increased the "interest" of my case, because otherwise I think it was pretty straightforward. I worked for my sponsoring employer for three years after obtaining GC.

I still have to wait for the oath letter, but so far my curiosity is not that big as to call to find out when I am scheduled. I am pretty sure that if I don't hear anything by August 15 I'll make some calls to find out whether the letter got lost in the mail or I didn't get scheduled for the August 22nd ceremony.
Another little morsel of information. Although the interview letter says not to arrive more than 30 minutes ahead of the interview because the seating is limited (and I am not going to suggest people not to follow that advice) I found that the number of seats was plentiful.

Other little thing for the people thinking about going with little kids. Some people took their little kids along. In one side of the room they have a little table with toys. So, it looks like taking kids along is fine, of course, there has to be a parent/adult to take care of them while the other parent/adult is taking the interview ;)
Congrats Huracan ! Glad to see that your turn finally arrived to make it through the most important step in this process. Being from SJ DO I guess your wait has been longer than most of us on this forum but all is well that ends well. I am a little paranoid about being late to important occasions and so I overcompensate by going an hour or two early (traffic is always unpredictable). I made it to Philly about 2 hours before my interview and spent most of it sitting at a Dunkin' Donuts. As it turns out I was not called in by the IO until about an hour AFTER my interview time and so it really wouldn't have mattered even if I had been late to my interview.

We also entered the Gold gym parking lot when we went the previous day of our interview to check out the place. I think 6 yrs back it was the back entrance to the bldg but now it is fenced off.
You should get the oath letter about 10 days later if you make it to the Aug oath. From what I noticed the mid of the month was the cut off for the next month's ceremony. So you just make it.
Does this ever come up?

Not on my interview. However, each interviewer has different style and can latch into seemingly innocent issues. I think three years of stay after GC with sponsoring company is above average, and plenty out of any danger zone. Actually at the time there was already AC21, so I could have left earlier if I had chosen too. Furthermore, I don't see many people having issues with employment history during interview. In my case the question was clearly just to update the application in case I had changed jobs since I sent my application last year.
We also entered the Gold gym parking lot when we went the previous day of our interview to check out the place. I think 6 yrs back it was the back entrance to the bldg but now it is fenced off.
You should get the oath letter about 10 days later if you make it to the Aug oath. From what I noticed the mid of the month was the cut off for the next month's ceremony. So you just make it.

There you go, you were better prepared and went to check the place one day before the interview :) I also seemed to remember that the parking lot was not fenced a few years ago, so I was hoping that the back entrance to the parking lot was going to be fine, and that I was going to save a couple of minutes.

I hope you're right about oath cut off. August 22nd would be much more convenient for me, and gives more time to get passports ahead of any Christmas time travel.
3 months after I got my green card (EB-1 category, though employer based), the company went through a restructuring and I was let go.

Atleast the timing was perfect so I could get unemployment for a few weeks till I landed another job. That was over 5 years ago anyway and I don't mention the first company in the application.

After reading your post, I have contacted the HR dept of the first company for a letter.

Thank you