same day AP in SFO area?


Registered Users (C)
What is the procedure for getting AP same day based on Family Emergency? What forms do I need to take? If this is already discussed else where, please direct me.


Emergency Advance Parole

Unfortunately, even we had to go for this Emergency Parole stuff in May.

In addition to the regular papers that is required for the Advance Parole, you would require a letter from the doctor in India /( the country that you need to go to) explaining the seriousness of the condition or explaining the emergency. In our case, it was a death and so we had to get a fax from the Doctor stating that the person was dead.

If the family is planning on going, then you would require the marriage certificate as well.

It very much depends on the officer who attends to you. In our case, he was nice enough though initially we had faced problems at the window where they issue the token. We were rejected outright from being given a token saying that an email stating the person is dead is not enough and they would require something from the doctor stating that. We had to cry, plead to get the token and simultaneously make arrangements to have our relatives fax the letter from the doctor.

We then had to go to a close by shop to take pictures.

You would also have to carry the cheque book with you.

WE had to go to San Jose and we were there standing in the queue since 3:30am in the morning and got our Parole around noon.

Hope this helps.
only serious conditions ....

My lawyer tells only family death can give an AP on the same day. Any others, BCIS will not accept.
