Salary does not match - LC and offer letter


Registered Users (C)
Hi -

Sorry for being paranoid, but I got a 8% raise since I did my LC (about
1.5 years ago). So my current offer letter mentions my new salary and
this does not match the one in my LC. Is this a problem - someone mentioned
in a posting that the officer checked the title and salary on the LC,
offer letter and pay stub.

Thanx for the help,
- ck
raise is good!

as long as pay stub is higher than LC, trouble is only when LC is higher than paystub
Need not have to be

Salary hike/cut is not an issue here. The LCA salary is the future salary the company is promising you to give. Curerent salary doesn\'t matter. I know my friends whose salary got 20% cut, still got their GCs without any problems.
