Sad day for America


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Forget about new immigration reforms or laws that will ease the pain of immigrants. especially refugees. The country elected conservatives who hate immigrants with a passion. To all the self hating idiots who supported Bush in this forum i have one thing to say for you: If you have a hope that laws will change, you need to wake up from your dreams. Bush and the republicans will kill your hopes and you will continue to wait long years to get your green cards!
Shamson, I know how you feel, we just have to accept the result of this election. there is always a winner and a loser. and we just happen to be on the loser's side. we have to get invloved in politic once we are citizens. and yes i will be democrat and will cast my vote in 2008 for democrats.

cider_or said:
Shamson, I know how you feel, we just have to accept the result of this election. there is always a winner and a loser. and we just happen to be on the loser's side. we have to get invloved in politic once we are citizens. and yes i will be democrat and will cast my vote in 2008 for democrats.

Get involved? Do you really want to rely on asylees and refugees? Most of them are religious wimps who are blinded by their ideologies. They would rather vote for a demagogue than for a progressive man who actually wants to do good things for them
You are forgetting that a democrat(Clinton) introduced the 1996 Lawsuit that made it harder for asylum seekers. I think no matter who is the president, it doesnt matter for us asylees. Even if kerry got elected, an amnesty or immigraitno reform would not happen because of republican controlled house and senate...
Lets leave religion out of this man. Why dont you go back to your fanatic countries if religion is bothering your so much.
MonkMonk said:
Lets leave religion out of this man. Why dont you go back to your fanatic countries if religion is bothering your so much.

so you are one of these monks who do young boys?
shamshon said:
Forget about new immigration reforms or laws that will ease the pain of immigrants. especially refugees. The country elected conservatives who hate immigrants with a passion. To all the self hating idiots who supported Bush in this forum i have one thing to say for you: If you have a hope that laws will change, you need to wake up from your dreams. Bush and the republicans will kill your hopes and you will continue to wait long years to get your green cards!

From my perspective, I cannot be happier today, having spent the past two weeks as a campaign volunteer for President Bush. Contrary to the polls, the race was not even close. I actually had expected that; the American people simply would not trust their presidency to an ultra liberal who needs to pass a global test before taking military action to defend this country. The only revelant test an American test. Bush EARNED his second term by ably leading the country in a very difficult time. Thanks to his resoluteness, we are more more secure today and can sleep better at night. I am sure history will recognize Bush's huge contributions. The next four years will be another bright chaper in the American story.
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IT wasn't anything bush did that won him presidency. All you need to know that AMERICA In its HISTORY has NEVER voted a IN-WAR president OUT OF OFFICE!...They think that doing so would demoralize the troops..and guess what democrat or republican..every american appreciates our TROOPS! a memo to the future president..START a war and make sure its still going during elections..

History repeats has again!
hampton8844 said:
From my perspective, I cannot be happier today, having spent the past two weeks as a campaign volunteer for President Bush. Contrary to the polls, the race was not even close. I actually had expected that; the American people simply would not trust their presidency to an ultra liberal who needs to pass a global test before taking military action to defend this country. The only revelant test an American test. Bush EARNED his second term by ably leading the country in a very difficult time. Thanks to his resoluteness, we are more more secure today and can sleep better at night. I am sure history will recognize Bush's huge contributions. The next four years will be another bright chaper in the American story.
Bush has transformed America into a country that is not that different from the one I was forced to leave. He instilled a culture of fear in the soul of everyone even in those who did not vote for him. He pumped their anger and made them scared like cats. He further polarized this country and wanted to impose his religious values on everyone. He created divisions between mother and sons, fathers and daughters, brothers and sisters. I used to think that things are different here than where I come from but I was a fool. The reason this president won is because he energized the ignorant, unsophisticated, uneducated breed in this country. I feel that America has transformed thanks to him into 2 tribes: one that wants to be more inclusive and another that wants to be exclusive. If you are an immigrant who has been subjected to unreasonable wait for your green card, you have noone but the republicans to blame. Expect more delays and forget about changing the 10000 yearly quota. When women and minority feel oppressed by this president, we need to reflect on his sick influence on America's history. Many minorities who voted for Bush go through a stage (conforming stage) where they love the dominant culture and despise their own. Wait until racism hit you or your children. Wait until you finally wake up and realize how xenophobic this country is becoming because of Bush and the republicans. If you voted for this guy because of religious reasons, I respect your faith but I invite you to see the big picture.
I did not vote just because am not a voter yet but if I was to vote I would vote for Bush. I prefer someone who would tell me straight in the face that he hates me to one who puts on a smile but full of hatred in the heart. Repblicans are in power now but don't forget that Democrats were in power for 8 yrs before Bush what did they do for Immigrants. Clinton remembered immigrants in the last month of his presidence, and do you know what he did on his last day? changed presidential registration tag to read TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESANTATION like he was president for one day.
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Wake Up

To ziti and hampton8844

First of all, wake up from your dreams. America is NOT safer and will not be as such for the next 4 years. Immigration laws will not be improved, at least not in our favor. Bush's idea to improve immigrants' live is to push his bill on illegal immigrants from Mexico and put all service centers into a bigger backlog than they are right now.

But most importantly. Immigration should not be the only issue behind your choice for a president of the country.

I just cannot believe how limited your brain capabilities must be that you actually believe all that staged performance that Bush and republican party put together to convince people that just because Bush was a president when 911 happened, that means he is a good president??? And that he can secure the country now because of that?
I mean, come on, where is the logic here? How stupid can you be to not understand that 911 was a direct result of a wrong foreign polcy and ignorance of global security issues, and just because of that he reserved to GO AWAY???!!!???

This was an election based on fear. I cannot possibly respect a person who wins an election based on fear. This is a wrong country for that.

And about the polls - hampton8844, being a volunteer for the elections may be you should have paid more attention to the numbers, because it was really CLOSE despite what you are saying. If only less than 15% of democrats would have voted for Bush in New Mexico, we would have a different president today.

I am very upset and I do not like the direction in which this country is headed.
I am also afraid that there will be a response from Osama to the election results. I am sure he will pull something, and I am also sure that your dear Bush will not be there to prevent it. No, he will sit in a classroom and read a story about a goat....

We all need to know that 9/11 had to matter who was the president. The reasons for 9/11 were obvious..middle east. Until they solve the israel-palestian conflict, this world will never be safe. Actualy I think that conflict will never be resolved since its about religion.

However, I think We need a MAN like BUSH who goes to war just because he thinks that leader may harm us. I am glad we dont have Saddam. Also americans need to get it out of their mind that they are goign to liberate a country..give democracy etc!...

I know that if you try to liberate a muslim country, they think that americans are trying to "westernize" them. If only these religious fanatics would calm down and let U.S do its job. On the other side of history, U.S has helped countries like el salvador & non-muslim countries with democracy without a civil war.

Do you think if Bush invaded Cuba or Haiti..the ppl will go in a revolt? they would welcome that with open arms..only if Bush had some interest in Cuba they would do that...

All I know is KERRY OR BUSH...nO one would help us. The Congress is controlled by republicans..enough said!

You better leave politics to people who understant it. It doesn't take brain capability to understand that 911 was planned way back before Bush was president. I don't understant whether Kenya had bad foreign policies for the bombing that was there in 1998. If you think 58 million people who voted for Bush don't have a brain then I don't know who has.
First of all, do your math again. The New Mexico result is NOT relevant to the outcome. Ohio and Florida were. We won the former by more than 100,000 votes and the latter 300,000. These margins were beyond challenge. President Bush was the first president since 1988 to win more than 50% of the national popular vote. And he got the most national popular vote, ever, in terms of raw numbers. And he helped his party expand control of both houses of Congress, which has not happend since 1934 when FDR was president. This is a huge mandate from the American people and his supporters fully expect him to enact the conserative agenda he ran on.

The best proof that the nation is safer is for three long years after 9/11 there has not been a single act of terrorism in the United States. This is the main reason Bush won.

Your talk about "ignorance of global security issues" and so on represent who is so wrong about the national Democracts these days. We were attacked because some people hated us and the only way to deal with them is to destroy them. The only thing they understand is force. As long as the Democracts maintain fuzzy stands on national security, you have no chance of winnning the White House. Rather than running a candidate who protested against the Vietnam War and voted against most weapon system in Congress, the Democrats need people like Truman or JFK, people who while supportive of progress policies at home will assert American power abroad without hesitation.
Ziri said:
You better leave politics to people who understant it. It doesn't take brain capability to understand that 911 was planned way back before Bush was president. I don't understant whether Kenya had bad foreign policies for the bombing that was there in 1998. If you think 58 million people who voted for Bush don't have a brain then I don't know who has.

President Bush deserved reelection on the basis of his national security record alone. I am so glad that he won convincingly. Godspeed to his second term.
Ziri said:
I did not vote just because am not a voter yet but if I was to vote I would vote for Bush. I prefer someone who would tell me straight in the face that he hates me to one who puts on a smile but full of hatred in the heart. Repblicans are in power now but don't forget that Democrats were in power for 8 yrs before Bush what did they do for Immigrants. Clinton remembered immigrants in the last month of his presidence, and do you know what he did on his last day? changed presidential registration tag to read TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESANTATION like he was president for one day.
Every single immigration law that favored immigrants was tailored by democrats. Democrats like reps Jackson faught to increase the asylum cap. Reublican ass holes faught her bill. Democrats like rep. andrews is currently preparing a bill to unite green card holders with their spouses. Democrats asked for the diversity lottery. Come on use your brain. Democrats are more progressive and they are pro-women, pro-immigrant and pro-minority. Republicans are idologues and racists. Use your brain!!!!!!!!
Let me add this.
If you want to lead the world and work with the allies to fight povrety, AIDS, and economic issues and you are only loved by 51% of Americans only and no one else in the whole planet (except Berlusconi and polish president) then something is wrong and defenitly US will be isolated.
Let's hope W understand that and change his way of viewing things.

cider_or said:
Let me add this.
If you want to lead the world and work with the allies to fight povrety, AIDS, and economic issues and you are only loved by 51% of Americans only and no one else in the whole planet (except Berlusconi and polish president) then something is wrong and defenitly US will be isolated.
Let's hope W understand that and change his way of viewing things.

Do not waste your breath with these people. Look, they came from dictatorial countries and were socialized to worship their presidents. They doggedly follow Bush because this is their world view: follow your leader even if he is a scum bag. They failed to realize that they are free now and can simply disagree with their god damn president. Oy vey
Sad day only for liberals, socialist europe and the terrorists..

It wasn't a sad day for anybody that understand freedom (113 million of them). Maybe it was disapointing one for Kerry and most Democrats but not a sad day.
Post after post you trash republicans and represent democrats as the party of everything good that happens in this country well man I hate to break the news to you but you're WRONG. Both sides have good and bad but let see the republicans.
-You say they are anti immigration but was Pres Regan (republican) to grant the amnesty for millions of immigrants in the 80's. It was Pres Clinton (democrat) that did nothing for 8 years. It was a republican senator to try to pass an amendment cancelling the cap and yes it was the other republican members that tried to add to that amendment increasing the burden of proof on the asylum cases but one can argue that one of reasons for increased backlog is the number of fake cases (many people from my country and neighboring countries that I know at least) that makes people with real fear of prosecution wait for years. But the lawyers were against increasing the burden of proof becouse is not in their financial interest and desided not to go forward at all. So instead of having No cap limit and No fake cases we are left waiting.
-You call them racist but it was 80% of republican senators and only 60% of democrat senators that gave the blacks the right to vote in this country. The last time I checked a senior democrat senator was high ranking ex KKK member and a republican president to nominate the first black supreme court judge and this republican administration has the highest number of minorities that any previous admin and promesing to reduce immigration Backlog ()
As for your claim that thay are anti women LOL I don't know anybody that doesn't like women unless they're gay and even then it's a higher chance of them being democrats.
So my friend next post before you go out of controll I suggest that you use your eyes and read some history (not the media) and then use your brains. Also I hope that you rethink your statement about this country becoming like your country that you're afraid of.