Rupnet - NSC - general question


Registered Users (C)

I see Rupnet typically has a handful of NSC approvals but not a lot of other Service Center approvals. Is it just that NSC is approving at a faster rate now or are there a lot of NSC applicants who have registered at Rupnet?

Just trying to understand the statistic. Any comments?
regarding rupnet

I have just been following rupnet for 4-5 months.

My observation is I have never seen lots of approvals for CSC and TSC.

In the last 4/5 months or more (ignoring the last 1 or 2 weeks), VSC has been much better than NSC.

I have seen in these forums that NSC used to be really good (one of the best) in the 485 processsing in past (some 1.5 yrs back)

Experts can provide more better opinions.
Maybe the folks at CSC and TSC forget that "there was a site once called" by the time they get approval.
agree with gc_aug_05

under "485 issues" in this forum, take look other centers, it looks NSC moves faster than
other three (ignoring Rupnet ...)
If you check total numbers for each center (approval snapshot), you will notice that VSC has the most registered users (300-400 per month), followed by NSC (150-200) with CSC and TSC trailing at 20-30 per month. Those are not exact numbers as Rupnet times out on me today, but you see the trend. You have to consider that while looking at daily approvals. There is simply not enough representation of CSC and TSC to make any conclusions for those centers.