
Registered Users (C)
I haven't seen one for the Rhode Island, and creating this.

Moderator: If a thread exists already please merge this one.
Applied LC in Nov 2004

Thanks for opening thread for RI. My labor was applied on Nov 10th, 2004. Does anyone know how long it is taking to complete the labor processing(State and Federal) from RI.

Appreciate your response.

Rhode Island Labor

My labor was applied with a PD of Oct 24th, 2004. Has anyone got an approval from Rhode Island recently ?
Do you get any kind of notification once you send your labor certification in Rhode Island?
GC23, did you hear anything on your file, since you are in october and they are processing october cases.
No , I have not heard anything yet regarding my case. Has anyone got anything from Rhode Island recently ?
Master Tracker

Hello all,

I am trying to create a master tracker that will help all of us determine where we all fall in the BEC queue.

My goal is to consolidate into a single tracker all pending labor certifications from all STATES and all DOLs.

This will help us in the long run to better understand how BECs will be processing our cases.

I have attached an empty tracker. I will return next Friday, February 11 to “pick it up”.

At that time I will merge all sub-trackers into a single one and post it in the DOL forums section.

I hope you find value in doing this and participate. If your forum has a tracker already, it would be great if someone volunteers and populates the tracker I have posted.

Since it will be hard for me to check all forums next week, if you have any questions, please send me a Private Message.

Thank you for your help

Mine was filed in Oct 2002 as regular. Any one who filed around this time has had the BEC letter?

recent approvals ?

Have any of you received recent approvals from Rhode Island ? My PD is OCT 24 and have n't heard anything
Opened case in Rhode Island

My case has been returned from DOL to Rhode Island state labor as regular case from RIR. Now I heard through the office that they are processing the file. It will take 30 more days to go through recruitment process. Then it will get approved in state labor.

Any one knows:
1. What is recruitment process for 30 days

2. Once my case is approved in state labor, where will it be moved. either to Boston DOL or any BEC.

Thanks in advance
RI LC - My thoughts

Hello Everyone,

Thanks for opening this new thread for RI. Hopefully more people will chip in with their thougts/feedback. :)

My LC application was hand delivered to RI SWA on december 30th, 2004. So far my lawyer has no information where we stand. The only information is that he had was that my file has been transfered to Philly BEC.

These are my assumptions based on reading the post of other people from other threads.

People who submitted their LC end of 2004 (like me) under the RIR (old system) are the worst hit. If the BEC follows the FIFO rule consistently, it will be years before my LC is certified.

The reasoning being that BEC plans to process all the LC application in 24-30 months after the new PERM system is in place (March05). So my LC will be very close to the last batch to be certified under the old rule. I am assuming that my applicatiion has not been entered yet. But again i read that there are cases where applications from 2003 are already receiving the 45-day letter before 2002 cases. So i dont know :confused:

It makes me wonder if it is beneficial to apply under the new PERM rule, provided of course the employer agrees to go with it.

Only time will tell as to this turns out. But i am keeping all options open, including changing jobs/going back home.
My case is filed on 27th March 2005


My case is filed on 27th March 2005. Don't know when I am going to recive my 45 day letter. I will keep you guys posted.

On a side note, I did send a message to Info@PHI.DFLC.US, from which I got a reply asking me to contact my employer for my case status. You can send them a mail with just the following information:

SUBJECT LINE: Case status request

Company name : XXX
First Name: XXX
Middle name: XXX
Last Name: XXX

I am now trying my luck with Canadain GC. Good luck to you guys and may God bless your efforts.
BPC Tracker

The tracker can be found at:


Today I added the 600th record to the tracker.

There are 419 records for people that made to Regional DOL
The rest are SWA records which tells me SWA people are still underrepresented in the tracker.

The tracker includes reports that may answer some of your questions so do please take the time to look at the reports.

I would also encourage you to review your info and post updates especially if I have missed your 45-day letter.

Good luck everyone.
