RFE's lets get togther


Registered Users (C)
Lets start a new thread to get a census of how many RFE's are still waiting for approval .

RD : 7/2
RFE Issued : 5/21
RFE info received by INS : 6/10
AD --- Waiting
From :Rfe Reponse Recieved by INS it should be 2 Months.

I am RD->07/2001
*Rfe recieved by INS -> 07/01/2002 (mm/dd/yyyy)

Yerkola, in your case, I would expect a response by
6/10 + 2 Months -> August 15th( MAX ) .

>>>>RFE info received by INS : 6/10
Mine would be
07/02 + 2 Months -> Sep / 02.

Let us seee how my research goes.

Earlier it used to be 2 weeks. but now it is 2 months.

Normally it shud not go beyong a month

RFE notice is marked with some barcode. So they know whom to send the response to immidietly. If you look at previous trackers RFE approvals should not go beyond 3-4 weeks. Mine took 3 weeks. It will take 2 months only in exceptional cases.
Thanks for the new thread

I tried to bring the old thread alive, but no one responded so i thought there are no more RFE cases left other than me.

My details

RD - 27th Aug 01
ND - 16th Oct 01
RFE - May 29th (this letter never reached either me or my lawer)
2nd Letter - June 25th
Replied on - July 1st
Reply received by INS - July 9th

Waiting to hear for Approval.
I am approved.

I actually get approved on July 12th.
That is what the AVM Says.

Yes, I am approved, both myself and spouse.

All, I can say it is painful, the GC Process. Very tough to sail.
I wish they could make it a little easier to track and respond.

Very Very painful for Me. At least.

well if end is well all ends well.

Wish you all good luck.

waiting for nearly 4 months after RFE


My RD is 06/25. RFE response received by INS on 03/27. I have no clue as to what is wrong. Everytime I call up I am told that "I should hear something sooooooon as the case is assigned to an officer'. I have lost all hopes now.

To junfiler2

This is for junfiler2

I have few questions for you .

After INS have received the RFE information how many days did u wait before calling them?

How many times did u call till now?

Would it make a difference if the attorney calls IIO?

Please respond
I've been waiting for more than 2 months now.

My detail:

RD: 6/2001
ND: 8/2001
RFE: 4/2002
Medical, last year W2, 3 months pay stab.
RFE received by INS : 5/5/2002

Still waiting.
almost 2 month

RD 01/19/2001

ND 01/31/2001

FP 02/08/2002

RFE Recived by INS 05/24/2002

AD Still wainting............

and it's over 18 months since RD

any idea?
too painful,

this rfe thingy who ever invented is a **
you know what ** represents.

They gotta find some better way to deal with this.**
To my_gc_2002

Hi, my_gc_2002,

How long had you waited before you got approved?
What kind of RFE did you get?
Could you please post your details?
i am still recovering from *Pain*

>How long had you waited before you got approved?
Seems like forever.

>What kind of RFE did you get?
Pay stub & employment letter.
Was told by many of my friends, employment
letter had lot of merit.

>Could you please post your details?
What do you want to know ?
How does it matter EB3, EB2, EB1, Eb0

I am telling you, its pure luck.

To Yerkola

answers to your questions

After INS have received the RFE information how many days did u wait before calling them?

- Almost two months. As I had changed my state of residence I called up INS to update my address

How many times did u call till now?

- I called up twice. My attorney called up once. Everytime it is the same response. 'Assigned to officer. Should hear something soon'

Would it make a difference if the attorney calls IIO?

- As mentioned above same reply to attorney
Re: I've been waiting for more than 2 months now.

Originally posted by formerfingercorssed
My detail:

RD: 6/2001
ND: 8/2001
RFE: 4/2002
Medical, last year W2, 3 months pay stab.
RFE received by INS : 5/5/2002

Still waiting.

Hi formerfingercorssed,

I also got RFE for medical.I don't know the details yet. Can you post what is your RFE medical about??????
To kalkot

I was pregnant when I did medical exam last year, so I didn't
take the vaccine shots. My RFE is for asking to get the vaccine

What about yours?
How many people are waiting for approval

How many people are waiting for approval after INS has received the reply ? let's count.

My response was received by INS on 7/9.

Yerkola did you get your approval yet??
