RFE Sent on 03/04, but not received yet


Registered Users (C)
Online status says, RFE mailed on 03/04, so far no track of it.
Any advice on this is greatly appreciated

ND First week of July 2001
RD First week of August 2001.
Mine took 17 days to be received by lawyer. I thought it was lost. Anyway, hope this gives you some relief and hope yours comes soon...
I dont think INS consistently updates online status -- at least in my case, it's not. Up to now, even after 2nd FP last December, the status that's in there is still - we have sent you notification for (first) fingerprint last April 10, 2002 ... and so on and so forth. When i call them, they just read out to me exactly what i see online, which doesnt help at all. I've sent them a letter requesting for update in status, and i've got the standard response which is, something like, we are still processing August 2001 application...

ND March 2002
1st FP April 2002
1st EAD May 2002
2nd EAD May 2003
2nd FP December 2003
3rd EAD ND March 2004, no card yet