RFE - RD 03/22/02 Please respond


Registered Users (C)
An RFE is issued on Oct 2nd. I dont know what it is but my guess is it should be on Emp letter , W4 etc.... I have changed my employer in July '03 but had not notified BCIS (lawyers suggestion) am still employed. This process is so never ending. My actual travel began in 3/99 and is still going on and on ....

1. Would this be a problem now ?
2. How long does it take for BCIS to act on after the RFE is responded ?
3. Anything else I need to keep in mind ?

EAC - 02157xxxxx
RD - 03/22/02
ND - 04/10/02
FP - 12/17/02
Well since u did ur FP1 late, u have a good chance to get approved soon...Keep things ready for RFE and reply ASAP and hope u get approval in one month's time from responding.!
Good Luck.
1. Job change is non issue.
2. 2-3 Months
3. Take it easy... RFE is a piece of cake if you have a job

Organize past 3-6 months pay stubs
Past 2-3 years tax returns
Letter from employer for liklehood of continued employment