RFE for Birth Certificate. Please help !!


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I have received the following RFE for my BC details. Could someone please point me to a standard letter format which I should send to the INS. Do we have a format here on this forum. Please let me know :

Submit one additional statement, sworn to or affirmed by a person who was living at the time and who has personal knowledge of the events you are trying to prove, for example, the date and place of birth. The person making the statement (affidavit) may be your relative and need not be a citizen of the United States. However an affidavit written by you or the beneficiary is not acceptable. The affidavit should contain the following information regarding the person making the affidavit;

1) his/her full name and address;
2) his/her date and place of birth;
3)his/her relationship to you, if any;
4)full information concerning the event;
5) and complete details concerning how he/she acquired knowledge of the event.
6) The affidavit should address the facts concerning the birth of Puneet listing both parent's complete names.

I think I know what docs are needed. But I just want to make sure if there is a standard letter format for this type of RFE. Please let me know.

Regards to All
Here you go Puneet.....Hope this helps you. I found this from a leading immigration attorney's web site.

Sample Affidavit of Birth for Close Relative

AFFIDAVIT BY [Close Relative's First Name] [Close Relative's Last Name]

Re: [Applicant's First Name] [Applicant's Last Name] (If child is married, list the following: (Applicant's Maiden Name: Applicant's Maiden Name))

I, [Close Relative's First Name] [Close Relative's Last Name], hereby depose and say:

That I, [Close Relative's First Name] [Close Relative's Last Name], was born on [date] in the town/city of [City], [Country].

My full and complete address is [street address with apartment or house number, town/city, state, postal zip code].

That I am closely related to [Applicant's First Name] [Applicant's Last Name]. I am his/her [fill in: uncle, aunt, grandparent, etc.]

That [Applicant's First Name] [Applicant's Last Name] was born on [date] in [name of city], [country] to [Mother's First Name] [Mother's Last Name] and [Father's First Name] [Father's Last Name].

That I have direct personal knowledge of the event and circumstances concerning the birth of [Applicant's First Name] [Applicant's Last Name] because [state how you are aware of the birth or birth date].

That I have known the applicant since [month/year].

This affidavit is being submitted because [CHOOSE ONE] there is no official record of birth [OR} the official record of birth is incomplete concerning [Applicant's First Name] [Applicant's Last Name].
I declare under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing is a true and correct statement.

[Close Relative's First Name] [Close Relative's Last Name] and signature

Subscribed and Sworn to before
Me, this ____ day of __________,
[YEAR] at ______________________.
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Here you go Puneet.....Hope this helps you. I found this from a leading immigration attorney's web site.

Sample Affidavit of Birth for Parents

AFFIDAVIT BY [Father's First Name] [Father's Last Name] and [Mother's First Name] [Mother's Last Name] (Mothers Maiden Name: Mother's Maiden Name)

Re: [Child's First Name] [Child's Last Name] (If child is married, list the following: (Child's Maiden Name: Child's Maiden Name))

We, [Father's First Name] [Father's Last Name] and [Mother's First Name] [Mother's Last Name], hereby depose and say:

Our full and complete address is [street address with apartment or house number, town/city, state, postal zip code].

That I, [Father's First Name] [Father's Last Name] was born on [date] in the town/city of [city], [country].

That I, [Mother's First Name] [Mother's Last Name] (Mother's Maiden Name: Mother's Maiden Name), was born on [date] in the town/city of [name of city], [country].

We married on [date of marriage] in the city of [name of city], [country].

We [Father's First Name] [Father's Last Name] and [Mother's First Name] [Mother's Last Name] had the following children:
a. [Child’s First Name] [Child's Last Name] (If child is married list the following: (Child's Maiden Name: Child's Maiden Name) born on [date]; and

b. [list all of the other children, if applicable].

[Child's First Name] [Child's Last Name] was born in [name of city], [country].

This affidavit is being submitted because [CHOOSE ONE] there is no official record of birth [OR} the official record of birth is incomplete concerning [Child's First Name] [Child's Last Name].

We declare under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing is a true and correct statement.

[Father's First Name] [Father's Last Name] and signature

[Mother's First Name] [Mother's Last Name] and signature

Subscribed and Sworn to before
Me, this ____ day of __________,
[YEAR] at ______________________.
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goodluck_140 said:
Sample Affidavit of Birth for Parents

AFFIDAVIT BY [Father's First Name] [Father's Last Name] and [Mother's First Name] [Mother's Last Name] (Mothers Maiden Name: Mother's Maiden Name)

Re: [Child's First Name] [Child's Last Name] (If child is married, list the following: (Child's Maiden Name: Child's Maiden Name))

We, [Father's First Name] [Father's Last Name] and [Mother's First Name] [Mother's Last Name], hereby depose and say:

Our full and complete address is [street address with apartment or house number, town/city, state, postal zip code].

That I, [Father's First Name] [Father's Last Name] was born on [date] in the town/city of [city], [country].

That I, [Mother's First Name] [Mother's Last Name] (Mother's Maiden Name: Mother's Maiden Name), was born on [date] in the town/city of [name of city], [country].

We married on [date of marriage] in the city of [name of city], [country].

We [Father's First Name] [Father's Last Name] and [Mother's First Name] [Mother's Last Name] had the following children:
a. [Child’s First Name] [Child's Last Name] (If child is married list the following: (Child's Maiden Name: Child's Maiden Name) born on [date]; and

b. [list all of the other children, if applicable].

[Child's First Name] [Child's Last Name] was born in [name of city], [country].

This affidavit is being submitted because [CHOOSE ONE] there is no official record of birth [OR} the official record of birth is incomplete concerning [Child's First Name] [Child's Last Name].

We declare under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing is a true and correct statement.

[Father's First Name] [Father's Last Name] and signature

[Mother's First Name] [Mother's Last Name] and signature

Subscribed and Sworn to before
Me, this ____ day of __________,
[YEAR] at ______________________.

Thank you so very much goodluck_140!! I really appreciate your help here.

1) Do I need to submit this on 20 Rupees stamp paper from India.

2)Also will a scan copy work as mailing from India could take time. Or should I wait till I get originals.

3) Thirdly can this same affidavit work from my uncle in USA

4) Lastly : since in my case I had submitted my original BC at the time of filing. Hence the following sentence may not be needed in the Affidavit :
This affidavit is being submitted because [CHOOSE ONE] there is no official record of birth [OR} the official record of birth is incomplete concerning [Child's First Name] [Child's Last Name].

Or Should this sentence still be there ?

Please let me know ....
1) Do I need to submit this on 20 Rupees stamp paper from India.
Puneet, I think so. Thats what I did. In my case, my birth certificate was not having my full name and my mother's name was not wrongly spelled.
Please double confirm with others about the stamp paper.

2)Also will a scan copy work as mailing from India could take time. Or should I wait till I get originals.

Yes, it should be fine as long as it looks fine.

3) Thirdly can this same affidavit work from my uncle in USA

Yes, that should be ok.

4) Lastly : since in my case I had submitted my original BC at the time of filing. Hence the following sentence may not be needed in the Affidavit :

This affidavit is being submitted because [CHOOSE ONE] there is no official record of birth [OR} the official record of birth is incomplete concerning [Child's First Name] [Child's Last Name].

Or Should this sentence still be there ?

Yes, as you said it makes more sense if its not there in the affidavit. Do you know why you have been asked to submit an affidavit when you had already submitted your BC? If some information is missing in your BC, then make sure it is present in your affidavit.

I am not a lawyer. So, please double confirm these before you make any decision.
goodluck_140 said:
1) Do I need to submit this on 20 Rupees stamp paper from India.
Puneet, I think so. Thats what I did. In my case, my birth certificate was not having my full name and my mother's name was not wrongly spelled.
Please double confirm with others about the stamp paper.

Every country has different rule for notary. In India you need stamp papers. But in USA you don't need stamp papers - you can do it on plain papers and get them notorized.
puneet_gcard said:
4) Lastly : since in my case I had submitted my original BC at the time of filing. Hence the following sentence may not be needed in the Affidavit :
This affidavit is being submitted because [CHOOSE ONE] there is no official record of birth [OR} the official record of birth is incomplete concerning [Child's First Name] [Child's Last Name].

Or Should this sentence still be there ?

Probably not. In fact for my wife's case, we ommited that line. She got approved shortly after responding RFE.
Thank you both for your valuable responses. I have one more question :

1) I was born in the Army Hospital at Delhi Cantt. That is what was written on my original BC (under Place of Birth) which was sent to INS. But I am not sure if Delhi Cantt is a valid city. Could that be a cause of concern. In the Affidavit I am writing the city as Delhi Cantt but in parenthesis I will put in New Delhi so that they know it is a valid city. Could that confuse them even more.

2) My Father's full name is not wrriten on my BC. Only his First, Middle Initials plus his last name is written. Because he was an army officer at that time. EG: Capt R.G. Sharma. (for Ram Gopal Sharma).
In the affidavit : Should I put only Ram Gopal Sharma even though it doesnt exactly match his name on my original BC sent to INS. Will they figure it out ?

I am quite concerned that they might transfer my case to local office if anything does not match the BC word for word.

Please give your inputs on this as well.
puneet_gcard said:
1) I was born in the Army Hospital at Delhi Cantt. That is what was written on my original BC (under Place of Birth) which was sent to INS. But I am not sure if Delhi Cantt is a valid city. Could that be a cause of concern. In the Affidavit I am writing the city as Delhi Cantt but in parenthesis I will put in New Delhi so that they know it is a valid city. Could that confuse them even more.

Why don't you write as just "Delhi"? This kind specificity is unnecessary.

puneet_gcard said:
2) My Father's full name is not wrriten on my BC. Only his First, Middle Initials plus his last name is written. Because he was an army officer at that time. EG: Capt R.G. Sharma. (for Ram Gopal Sharma).
In the affidavit : Should I put only Ram Gopal Sharma even though it doesnt exactly match his name on my original BC sent to INS. Will they figure it out ?

Give me a break. What's the difference between G.W. Bush, George W. Bush, George Washington Bush and President Bush?
pralay said:
Why don't you write as just "Delhi"? This kind specificity is unnecessary.
Thanks !! The reason why I have written Delhi Cantt is because on Birth Certificate it says Delhi Cantt. So Here is the complete sentence that I have put in the affidavit:

4. That Puneet Sharma was born on May 23,1970 at Army Hospital, Delhi Cantt (New Delhi), India.

Does this sentence make sense or is it more confusing.

Give me a break. What's the difference between G.W. Bush, George W. Bush, George Washington Bush and President Bush?

Haha. Absolutely right but when it comes to INS who knows how they work. :D :D
birthcertificate - India

You could also get your birth certificate from


You better get them a birth certificate or a non-availability of BC from the municiple corp.

I had the same issue, I gave them a notry and they did not take that. So I have to get a bc from the corporation of calcutta, India
nbvijay said:
You could also get your birth certificate from


You better get them a birth certificate or a non-availability of BC from the municiple corp.

I had the same issue, I gave them a notry and they did not take that. So I have to get a bc from the corporation of calcutta, India
If you read the OP's posts fully, you'll know that he has a proper birth certificate and its been submitted already :)

So he does not probably need this service ( plus I heard from others here that the service kinda sucks and they really don't do much !! )