RFE Employment Letter Format


Registered Users (C)
Recently I received a RFE which states

Submit a letter on your employer's orginal letterhead(not a photocopy) showing you are employed full-time(40 hours per week) in a permanent job. Also, submit your Form W-2 for the last three years to corroborate the employment letter.....

My employer's letter is more like a Offer letter which states
....The OFFER of regular, full-time employment is PENDING your approval of the applicant’s permanent resident status.

Since GC is for a future job, is the format correct ?

Any feedback on this issue would be appreciated
My attorney thinks the letter should be fine. Since they have submitted similar format earlier and received approvals.
Not sure what other RFEs were like.
I'll keep my fingers crossed then.
Got approved

I got an approval on that letter format. Looks like USCIS does not care if it's a Offer letter or employment letter
sometimes they even disect the hair. i have been through it therefore, I wouldn't take anything lightly.

mar2002_485 said:
I got an approval on that letter format. Looks like USCIS does not care if it's a Offer letter or employment letter