Revoking Of Gc After Change Of Employer...


New Member

The truth is that for all time I have been reading immigration news

0, zero, nil, none, nada. I have never heard of a case like that. Everyone talks about it, but noone seems to have had the experience first hand (either themselves or close relatives/friends). The closest I have seen was a message a few days back from someone quoting his/her lawyer about a couple of cases, but it could have been a made up cautionary story. I am still waiting for hard evidence. The couple of thousands could be anything like concealment of criminal background, or some other reasons. I would also like to hear about a real case, to see what was the process of revocation, what type of evidence was used, etcetera, not that I wish anyone to get their hard earned GC revoked, don\'t get me wrong.

My 2 cents.
Thanks JoeF

However, the case you mention falls in a different category. I had posted another message on another thread where I suggested that a number of revocations that show up on the INS statistics may be over staying for too long outside of U.S.A.

  I understand that people who get their GC revoked don\'t feel like sharing this, but I would guess that someone in the process of getting the GC revoked would write here in panic, asking for advice. Furthermore, if he/she doesn\'t write, then a close acquaintance could do it. I am not saying that such case does not exist, but seems to be highly infrequent if at all.

My 2 cents.
No Title

even though leaving the employer and its consequences on GC are hotly talked about topics on all discussion boards I personally am yet to hear of anybody who has actually lost his GC because he left the sponsoring employer too soon. I have been following these boards for 3-4 years now. in the same time period I know of several people who got killed in car accidents and also of someone who was killed by a bolt of lightening.

I agree that people who have their GC taken away have more important things to do but I am sure somebody ( a friend, co worker, enemy) would post that on a discussion board.

The only people who i know who have lost ( or surrendered) their GC are elderly parents of fresh citizens who were sponsored by overenthusiastic kids even though they did not have any intention to stay "permanently" in The USA and pretty much were living outside the USA.

The way i look at it bad things can happen to anyone at anytime but and we have to keep risks in perspective
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Being aware of risks is different from being afraid of them. Walking accross the high way will more likely get you killed. When you are posting self-incriminating information on a public web site you are taking an unncessary risk, even if a small one.

IMO, leaving your employer just because you got the green card is a bad move outside any other legal implications. Life is full of problems and generally there is more than one way to solve each of them. Of course everybody\'s circumstances are different and you shouldn\'t take abuse if you can avoid it.
Joe, Is F means F*

JoeF, is F means F**king because you never be nice to anybody in any emails in the entire site. Either you are having fun making fun of others or you are a stupid and idiot who wnats to scare the innocent people desperate to get some answers and help. I have no idea why this site mangers are not kicking you away from this entire website. You are sick! Get help!
Joe, Is F means F*

JoeF, is F means F**king because you never be nice to anybody in any emails in the entire site. Either you are having fun making fun of others or you are a stupid and idiot who wants to scare the innocent people desperate to get some answers and help. I have no idea why this site mangers are not kicking you away from this entire website. You are sick! Get help!
No Title

Gundupandu1, it\'s good to see that you are leading by example ;-)

JoeF offers consistenly good information to people who should do some homework before posting. Take the information if you want it. If it\'s sympathy that you need get it from friends and familly.

People like you do have their own purpose in life though. I am spending too much time on this site and you are reminding me of that.
Joef is doing good service.....

Joef is giving good advice....truth and listening to rules is not sweet all times, but atleast he makes us think twice before we do any thing in haste.
Thanks Joef
keep up the good work JoeF

Hi JoeF

In my opinion, you have been objective and consistently give sensible, good opinion, often backed by references to good websites. Keep up the good work.
Joef poses a point of view. (a very good one). there are counterpoints too...

to take his posts into perspective or to ignore them is your choice. don\'t get abusive - it is not worth your time and others\' time.
I find Joef to be a well-informed person who takes the trouble to research answers for others\' welfare. he also points us to sections of immigration laws etc that we may not have heard about.
now, to the original issue: despite what a lot of posters say, though there are laws talking about "intent" to leave employer before approval could get GC revoked, it is hardly enforceable by INS. For e.g. if you had attended interviews, posted resumes on websites, got an offer letter before GC approval, you could always argue that you felt that you were being underpaid and exploited because of your immigration status and you wanted to see what your real worth was in the marketplace and never wanted to quit your job in reality. The whole thing was a test to prove to yourself a few points! Not that the DOJ and INS will ever be able to track these things down. A good lawyer will be able to easily argue these points. So, take all the cautionary statements with a pinch of salt, weigh in your own reality and keep YOUR MOUTH SHUT while you take a decision to leave your employer. you will be safe.
good luck.
PS: Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer. This is not legal advise. Talk to your lawyer about these questions. fortunately I do not need to change jobs after GC and hope to stay with my employer for as long as they want me! I thank God for that.
Bottom Line

is that in theory the INS can revoke GC if it determines that you did not "intend" to work "permanently" with the sponsor employer. In reality this happens rarely if ever at all. Most people leave their sponsoring employer soon after getting GC and this has been happening for years and so far INS does not seem to have made any special effort to track all these people down and revoke their Gcs.

on the other hand make sure that you continue to live in USA "permanently". this issue is more likely to cause problems though it does not apply to most Employment based immigrants as most of them will continue to work and live in the USA.

Your posts are very informative and I was reading them on different threads. I am curious how did you acquire so much knowledge. Keep up your good work and best wishes. I am having my CP interview on April 19th.
No Title

Does it make a difference on I-485 approval, whether you file it on the basis of 240/1A or 240/2? Are both of them conisdered EB1 or not?

Thanks for your Good wishes. I agree with you that every one must be careful about the whole process and it does not stop with acquiring green card. Since the law changes frequently it becomes an education by itself. Once again, Your posts are very informative and a big thanks from all of us.

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I completed my I485 processing through an interview in the US. Just to be fair I would like to mention that the higher level INS officers are well educated, very professional and efficient.

Of course this does not help most people, according to the officer my case should not have been moved to the local office to start with :-(