returned US with passport stamp


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Hi, All:

I posted a thread about me worrying return to US with the pp stamp but no GC.

I am glad to tell you all that I have safely entered US although there were some hassle.

When I got Immigration at LAX. I waited in the line "Permanent Residents" at no. 14. But the officer did not let me pass, instead she asked me to go to the officer at no. 1.

So I walked all the way to no.1 and I was a little worried. The officer at no.1 was serving another passanger. It took her 15 mins!

Then she looked at my stuff and then ask a lot of questions like "When did you got approved?", "how did you applied for GC?".

Then she searched her computer for 2 mins. Then she asked me
"what is your father's first name?" "what is your mother's first name", "which port/city did you enter last time to US?"

Then she let me pass.

So if you guys can wait, I think it is better to travel with the plastic card.
thanks for sharing

good experience.

thank you for sharing.

IMO - once you have the stamp you're set - from your case i could barely understand where the 'hassle' was. bet the 15mins the other lady took was the biggest hassle. everything is relative... sorry to pick on you.

they do ask funny questions right...

once the guy asked me which company i worked for and what i did for them. he asked how revenues/business was doing. then he asked me if he should invest in our stock!

at one time i wasn't even carrynig my I797 from H1-B and I had a logical discussion with the officer and he let me come in.

There is no hassle.

They do tend to try and determine if the I-551 stamp on your passport is genuine. A friend of mine was asked "Which airport did you get it stamped at?", by a very straight faced immigration offficer at point of entry.
when i entered at SF airport with PP through PR lane , there was no any problem although the officer asked me some questions related to the stamp because the date of stamp does not show clear.
Havent been to an airport in a long time

What lanes are there?

Non-Immigrant and US Citizen/GC Holder(same lane)?