Response from Senator Durbin (IL)


Registered Users (C)
Some time back I had written a letter to IL lawmakers using AILA site to support measures to provide relief from Visa Retrogression. I got his reply today which I am posting here, One thing to note is that even though I had used AILA web-site many times to send letter (using their standard text) to Senators I never got reply from them, this time I totally personlized it citing my specific situation and I got reply from him. Considering he voted in favour of Byrd's Amendment to remove the immigration related clauses from S.1932 its a good thing that he replied positively.


Dear Mr. XXXX:

Thank you for contacting me regarding visa retrogression. I
appreciate hearing from you on this important issue.

It is important that we promote measures that enhance the ability of the United States to compete in the global economy. This means cultivating a strong, well-educated labor force. For centuries, the United States has both nurtured a highly-skilled domestic workforce and attracted the best talent from countries around the world. Countless immigrants have made significant contributions to America's scientific, literary, artistic,
cultural, and economic resources.

Due to statutory per-country limits on the annual number of visas
issued, the Department of State has issued retrogressed priority dates for
several employment-based immigration categories. This visa retrogression has caused significant hardship on immigrant workers and their families.

We must ensure that our nation's immigration policies do not unduly
burden those who have made every effort to proceed through legal
immigration channels and whose talents and labor will benefit our
nation's economy. Several bills that would restructure the allocation of
employer-based and family-based visas have been introduced in the
Senate during the 109th Congress. I am carefully analyzing these measures,
and I will keep your views in mind as the Senate considers these proposals or
related legislation.

Thank you again for contacting me.


Richard J. Durbin
United States Senator
Ipcom, I was just curious to know as to when ( what date ) you received the reply from the senator. When are these issues expected to be discussed. Is it the same March end debate we talking about ?
BrainDrain said:
Ipcom, I was just curious to know as to when ( what date ) you received the reply from the senator. When are these issues expected to be discussed. Is it the same March end debate we talking about ?

how did u contact the senator