Response from CSC to my fax inquiry done on 05.01.02---soi


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Just received a response from CSC to my fax inquiry done on 05.01.02.

Reply says; The application is not outside current processing time. Cases are adjudicated in the order received. Currently, we are adjudicating cases with receipt dates of 04.01.01, and we received your I-485 on 08.20.01.

So the same old crap. We all know they are adjudicating Sept cases now, but who is to tell them.

But they are still right.

We know INS always processes cases ahead of what the JIT says. The JIT is just an indication about when you can really complain about them being late with your case. I hope your approval comes soon, but previous experience tells me your case is not badly delayed.
Same situation with me

People who replied to RFE after me have got approved. But when I called the IIO they told me that they are processing April Cases. But if they are processing April cases now how come I got an RFE in April (for a June Case)

You are right. The JIT is just the date when you can start complaining.
However, I feel that my case is unduly delayed. As per the stats provided by Pcee the other day, only about 10% of July cases are pending, and I should have been approved/RFE\'d by now. Some of the pending could be inactive and others like me must have just fallen through the crack.

Anyway, such are the ways of CSC. You can only grit your teeth and wait.

You still have a few more months to go

I am from early June date and my case isn\'t even assigned as of today. So you do not hold any merit in complaining at the moment.
And- atleast you received a response back from them regarding your fax inquiry.. My lawyer sent out three inquiries and we never received a response! Not just that, when the lawyer called after that, the INS idiots gave the same- "We\'re processing april cases" response. So all that hassle was all a waste of time.
waht is fax number for doing fax inquiry ?

I saw some people did fax inquiry. Would some one let me know how do it? My lawyer told me the phone line is too busy and he can not get through. I may ask him do fax inquiry.

Your case is unduly delayed. We all know that CSC is mainly approving Sept ND cases now. Therefore, my inquiring with them definitely holds merit.
Good Luck to you and I think you should start involving your Senator/Congressman.