Respond RFE thru lawyer or myself?


Registered Users (C)

I have received an email from BCIS for an RFE(I don't know exactly the details). I need suggestion on how to respond to the RFE.

I have changed job after 1 year since my RD. Didn't apply for AC-21. Since joining the new job, I don't have a lawyer. Do you think I would need to hire a lawyer to respond this RFE? Or I could handle it myself?

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You may already be aware, but the RFE goes to the lawyer.
Since you are in your final stages, it is in your best interest to continue with the existing lawyer, unless you have any issues with them.
Generally the lawyers have been paid by this stage, and wouldn't mind to keep your file open.
My advise is to contact them and inform about your RFE.

Good luck
Yes, ekurian is right. If you had a lawyer in the past for your LC and 140, try contacting him/her and get your RFE Response Letter done through them. They know how exactly to word the letter. I've seen individuals writing up their own letter which is OK but the ones that lawyers write is typically more detailed and professional. They might charge you anywhere between $300-$600 which in my opinion is worth it since this GC thing is a matter of your life here in the US and you don't want to mess with it. Try hiring a new lawyer to get this last hurdle out of the way. Best of Luck!!