Reschedule Interview Date


New Member
I had to reschedule my interview date because I needed to visit my home country to see my sick mother. It wasn't an option for me to wait.

So I made an infoPass appointment. The officer at the USCIS sounded like reschduling is a piece of cake, and they will be able to accomodate my request easily. She handed me out a form and asked to fill it out.

Without hearing anything from the USCIS in the next three weeks, I also wrote them a letter requesting the same reschdule and left the country.

Three months have passed since and I heard nothing. So I made another infoPass appointment. I was taken aback after learning what they had to say.

They denied getting any request from me. Not my physical visit to the local office, not the written letter. They went ahead and closed my case since I did not appear for the interview.

The officer asked me to write another application asking to re-open my case, and promised to schedule interview in next three months.

I hope they do!
That is so awful and simply unacceptable mirpur. Not sure if you took Officer's name or other contact information, that may have helped. This incident just validates the statement that has been made many times in this forum "Never Reschedule your N-400 interview with USCIS".

Wish you all the best and hope it works out for you.

BTW, which DO did this incident happen?
Whenever you send *anything* to the USCIS, copy it first, and send it certified mail with return receipt. As soon as you get the receipt, tape or staple it to the copy.

Whenever you go to an InfoPass, keep the appointment paper. Write your notes of what happened on the back and sign/date the notes.

I would hope that either your congressman or one of your senators should take an interest in your situation. Failing that, save up for a lawyer.