12 month excelerated MD/Nurse Diploma Program
To medical doctors considering earning nurse diplomas?
The on-line BSN and MSN programs will not qualify you for the CGFNS program or any state's NCLEX-RN exam. You must first have a
Level-One nurse diploma. That requires actual classroom and clinical practice, as a nurse. There are no exceptions to that rule, and without the level one diploma, neither CGFNS, NCLEX-RN or VisaScreen will accept. A "level-one nurse" can earn the BSN and the MSN online, but that presumes they are already a registered nurse. But not possible to earn a level-one nurse diploma on line, "acceptable" for either CGFNS or NCLEX-RN.
There is a program in St. Petersburg Russia, already approved by CGFNS for its Certification Program. Basically the 12 month, English Language excelerated program for medical doctors that earns them a nurse diploma accepted by CGFNS and NCLEX-RN. Doctors have already completed the program, registered, been evaluated, sat for the CGFNS exam and received their CGFNS Certificates. Already accepted by for US state licensing.
The program is at the St. Petersburg Medical Academy of Postgraduate Studies (MAPS), and information is available at