Request from a user.


Volunteer Moderator
I got this PM today:
any chance this can be done?


Increasing Message size


Hi Sachin,
Sorry to bother you again. Im having some issues with the size limit per post. Im not allowed to submit a post which has more than 10,000 characters. The EAD timeline table i maintain is pretty close to that limit and the AOS timeline table has already crossed it and i had to chop off extra text to make room for the table.

I would appreciate it if you could bump up the maximum limit allowed per post. Also, if possible can you pls bump up the limit for PM's and signatures?? Appreciate your help with this as the limit is really limiting me.

Thanks in advance!!

I have increased the limits greatly. if it puts too much load on the server, I will have to decrease the limit a little.
Suggestion: Instead of user posting information in a post suggest them to use file and attached along with the post.

We had similar issue in past (Labor/I-845 Section) and we decided to maintain a excel spredsheet to the track cases.