Repeat Offenses show up as such on NCIC/FBI records?


New Member
needless to say I can really use a bone here.
i know screwed up (thrice)
1 Public Intoxication (Fine only)
1 Tresspass ( Dismissed )

Finger printed all three times

Now Im assuming the finger print match they run (when you appear for your H-1B stamping) cpatures event details of all 3 records.

Or does it return stuff like "matched instance"

Now ppl throw around names like NCIC (National Crime Information Center ) CRS (Central Records System) and NNCP (National Name Check Program)
when talking about the FINGERPRINT MATCHING protocol that is done when you get your visa stamped.

I just want to know if it does indeed tell the consular officers SENTENCING INFO, DISPOSITION, STATEMENT OF GUILT and TIME INCARCERATED or does it just show the number of INSTANCES.

If the latter is true they expect you to fill them in on the details - what went down in the episode - right?

Here I was told that MOST FORTHCOMING attitude is prolly not the best. Dont CONCEAL but dont be FORTHCOMING either is what they tell me.
Answer if asked.