renwal EAD e-filing expedite request.


Registered Users (C)
Hi All,

Please please answer my each question. Any help appreciated.
1. I applied my first EAD on 12/01/2003, waited for 90 days and went to boston ASC to get interim EAD on 04/15/2004. Interim EAD issued until 12/01/2004. Do they have to issue for a year from 04/15/2004 or do they usually issue from applied date at VSC, which is 12/01/2003?
2. My first EAD is going to expire on 12/01/2004. I renewed my EAD online on 09/20/2004 (which is 20 days less for 90 day EAD processing period) and submitted FP at boston ASC on 09/23/2004. This time i dont have 90 days time to wait, what will happen if i don't receive my EAD by 12/01/2004? will it be illegal to work for those extra 20 days(which will complete 90 day waiting period for EAD).
3. I submitted an expedite request and got reply that i need to provide evidence for emergency to work? what documents should i need.
4. Can we still get interim EAD for renewals also?
