Rental History/Credit history check for 485???


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I am awaiting my 485 approval from Vermont and am concerned about this:

Last year I moved out of an apartment after having completed my lease of 6 months. I did give them an oral notice before vacating, but for some reason after my lease was completed they insisted that i pay one more month of rent and there was a dispute and they seem to have messed up my rental history/credit history.

Will a credit history/rental history check be done for my 485 approval?

Can someone please try to answer this question :(

call "Dept Of rent Contron" in your state...

call "Dept of Rent Control" in your state...and file a complaint against them - tell them you gave them a written notice followed be few phone calls (lie about it) - and they never asked you about loosing the deposit ........Also find some problem about the apartment - (stinky -dirty carpet - you got allergy on ur skin or something) - or you requested different apartment where you can keep a 'Disabled' person with you in the next lease -and they did not have one....- but they never helped you about water leak in bathroom....or too HOT or tooo COLD room temp /water.....

Man ...find some excuse & file a complaint against them - when time comes- use a NICE excuse......

FAX/Certified mail them a letter saying I need my money back or I file a complaint with BOARD....

goood luck....
Which state are you from? Check the rental laws local to the state. In CA you might be in luck with a verbal notice. Again, check the laws.

I'd drag them to small claims.
I live in NY. Once the money issue settled, it won't affect I-485. If landlord bring it to court, better to deposit the money in court so they have record that it is cleared. If you just give money to landlord, he might hide the truth and you still have bad record.
As long as money settled, it will be OK.
It's not a criminal!! Don't worry about it.
I had similar issue a couple years ago, and my I-485 was approved in April 2005.
Good luck.