

New Member
The State is Florida.

I have been married to a US Citizen for the past 10 years. I have a 4 1/2 year old daughter and I'm pregnant with my second baby. ON 1999 (Feb) I arrested for shoplifting. I went to court and was represented by a public defendant, they offered a plea and I was just required to pay $500 (danation) and the judge witheld judgement. I have been traveling ever since (I'm a consultant) and never had a problem. I went to the Dominican Republic over the 4th of July weekend with my daughter and I was detained by immigration. They tooked away my green card and deferred my inspection. My appointment is Tuesday with INS. What are the possibilities of being deported?

On top of that, it gets even more complitated, I'm currently battleling a criminal case in court (Forgery- grand theft), I used to be the accounts payables manager for a telecommunications company and even though it is not true, they are linking me with a theft involving that company. I have been going to court for the past year or so, and we still have a long ways to go. They claimed that I stole a total of $50K from them. I have already paid more than that on my legal defence...

I'm desesperate, don't know what to do, where to go, or who to trust. Please, please help.
JoeF said:
Did you have a lawyer for that?
Get a good immigration lawyer ASAP. Do that tomorrow, before the hearing!

Joe's advice is good. Shoplifting alone is probably not a major problem but the sentence can be critical. The EXACT charges and plea is critical. It sounds as if USCIS is investigating to determine whether this is a Crime Involving Moral Turpitude (CIMT) which would render you inadmissable. You need to get to the bottom of this immediately as there is a possiblity (remember, I can't be certain one way or the other at this point) of MANDATORY DETENTION, meaning that you could be taken into custody at the deferred inspection.

You need professional advice immediately.
