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09/05/2003: Immigration Community Stands Up Against the Totally Failed NCSC Inquiry System for Service Center Cases

People will recall this web site's advice to the BCIS that the centralization of phone inquiry for Service Center cases was premature and would not serve the public interest in that it would create more works (man-hour) with the resulting disservice to the consumers. Unfortunately, this is exactly what has been happening. Probably this reporter is not the only one who has experienced 100% negative services by the contractors of NCSC who were rude and even hang up the phone while the reporter was addressing the issues. Besides, the inquiries which had been forwarded to the relevant Service Center usually ended up in sending out the notice that the inquiry had been received. It all happened after one month or so. Now, people wonder what this system serves. It is a total waste of tax money and a tremendous disservice to the constituents and consumers.
Now immigrant community organizations including the AILA have pull together their voices and sent a letter to the Director of BCIS demanding to return to the old system. This reporter joins whole-heartedly these voices and urges the BCIS to immediately take an action before it gets further political back-fire. Again, the current system works AGAINST THE PUBLIC INTEREST.