refugee status


New Member

I am an orthodox catholic from Dagestan, Russia. We border chechnya and are living under the constant threat of being persecuted by muslims. There have been several bomb blasts near my apartment. Infact our neighbours are trying to force us out of our apartment. In Russia we need two passports, one domestic (which is also the ID card) and the other is for international travel. Also, in Russi, a person from one city cannot live or work in another city or town if he/she is not registered in that town. Meaning, if I am from NewYork city, I cannot live or work in NJ or Connecticut or elsewhere. If my family is driven out of their apartment or if they lose jobs they cannot move anywhere else because they cannot live there or find jobs. We are few handfull of chatholica living there in Dagestan which is predominantly a muslim region. And also torn because of many wars with chechnya.

Can I apply for a refugee or political assylum status in the USA? if yes, then please tell me the necessary steps that I need to take.

Any feedback is appreciated. Thank you.