REF never received


New Member
RD 04/15/2001
ND 05/01/2001

AVM issued REFs for all four family members on March 8. Mine and older daugter\'s received on March 15, and reply receiced on March 27 by AVM. However, wife and younger daugter never received theirs and AVM stays the same as March 8. I called IIO on March 28; she said she will ask to re-issue the missing REFs. Not receiving, called again on April 15. The IIO said our cases are being handled by an officer, and he will send the officer a message reminding him the missing REFs. But, so far nothing has happened.

Any similar experiences, or suggestions what I should do?? Thanks!!!
same boat to me

We didn\'t receive my wife\'s RFE, Called IIO for resending RFE on march 12 and meanwhile I directly resend some docs on 18/03 and in letter mentioned that we will continue to contact INS for wife\'s RFE.
Then received wife\'s RFE on 26/03, we didn\'t response because it was same as the first one and call IIO to confirm if we need to resend. The stupid IIO said no and the case is with an officer and we would heard something in couple of weeks. The 19/04 we received wife\'s RFE forward by my former attorney. Then we responded and so far the cases are still pending (with officer?).