REF for Birth Certificate


Registered Users (C)
As we don't have original birth certificate, we submitted affidavit for birth certificate as suggested by my lawyer.
Anyone know why INS issues REF for Birth Certificate and what kind of documents required for response?
(for people who are following my previous posting - I don't have any REF yet. Just trying to avoid another disaster.)

Thanks in advance
Have a non-availability certificate

I have a friend who had a similar situation. INS requested that he provide a non-availability certificate, which is provided by the city/municipal council at your place of birth. I think this is required when submitting the affidavits. This has to be in English or must be accompanied by an English Translation by a CERTIFIED Translator.

Hope this helps. Good Luck
Thanks think_tank_2000

Anyone knows what kind of content or template is required for non-availability certificate?
Thanks in advance.
NO special template for it as far as I know. It should be issued by the municipal or corporation authority saying that the birth of ________ on _____ date is not registered in our records. That is all.

Standard letter issued by municipal council

There is a standard form that the municipal council / registrar of births and death issues. Also you can refer to
They have some information available.

Good Luck

I can't find standard form that the municipal council / registrar uses for birth certificate ! What is the URL for that page.

Thanks in advance

Government of Uttar Pradesh
Department of B.D.O Office, Varansai, UP India

Non-availability Certificate: Issued under Section 17 of
the Hindu Marriage Act, 1969.

This is to certify that a search has been made on the request of (Your Name), son of (Parents name), in the Municipal registration record for the year(s) 1965-1975 relating for Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh and found that the birth record of (Your Name), is not registered/available.

Signature of Issuing Authority
